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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. You will find that a majority of owners will tell you to stay away from dog parks. Everyone seems to have various reasons, but some people take their greys to dog parks and do just fine with close supervision. One of the main reasons people avoid them is the thin skin that greys have, if there is an altercation with another dog, even playing, serious injuries can occur. You will also find that many people do not supervise their dogs at dog parks - and chaos is usually the end result.


    Your dog is way too new to thrust into a dog park. He has most likely never seen another type of dog other than a greyhound - and he probably doesn't know why that thing is barking at him. Rocket has been with us for several years, and still whines when other dogs bark at him - he just doesn't get it and can't figure out why they are barking.


    If you watch him on your walks, everything is new to him - birds, cars, cats, dogs, trucks, airplanes etc....he needs some time to settle into a routine. Noises may startle him - thing's he's never heard before like car horns, braking noises, dogs barking, sudden noises like bikes whizzing by, motorcycles etc. Let him get used to his new world before he has to deal with too many things he isn't sure of.


    He will do fine, but since he is so new, he needs to get settled, and you need some time to learn how he will react in various situations. As you found out, you need to keep a "death grip" on the leash at all times - I still do after several years, and every once in a while, something totally stupid will startle Rocket and cause the same reaction you had. Give him a little time - and he will probably make friends with some of the dogs he sees on his walks if they are well behaved - but he needs time to adjust.


    Edited to add - Congratulations on your boy! When you have time, make sure to post some pictures and introduce him.

  2. We no longer feed Bully Sticks or commercial (processed) dog treats for this reason. We had a 6 week period of Big D that was started by a Bully Stick. Best bet is to just monitor your pup for a day or so and see if it clears up. If not, then you might have to treat the diarrhea accordingly. We don't give immodium or other things initially because whatever is causing the issue needs to work it's way out.


    When we used to give a big treat like that, we would cut back a little on the next meal. You can always feed again later if the pup is hungry, but overeating (big treat plus all egular meals) sometimes will cause this reaction also. Don't panic, I would just monitor it until the next couple of potty breaks until you know what you are dealing with. .

  3. Pee Posts don't work for either number...Don't waste your money.


    Get a traffic cone or two (if you can't find an old one they are about 10 bucks at the hardware store, or Home Depot / Lowes have really tall ones for a few bucks more. We have one in the turnout area and 99% of the time, this is where Rocket pees. Keeps him from peeing on the AC unit or on the house.


    You might try getting a roll of temporary plastic fencing and fence off one area of the yard and restrict their turnouts to that area until they get the message that there is a potty area and it's not the same as the play area. Potty breaks first in that area, then let them into the rest of the yard after they've done their business.

  4. Welcome from Mahomet, IL!


    GO is an excellent group. We know several people who have adopted with them and we dealt with them when we thought about adopting Rocket's littermate (the timing didn't work out - nothing to do with the group). There are plenty of people in the Chicago area here on GT. I'm sure someone will be along to answer your vet question, but the folks at GO will also be able to provide names.


    Good luck!

  5. Yup....Rocket was on his bed and rolled over on his back and made the pawing motion like he was asking for belly rubs. Didn't realize that he was still actually asleep. When I started rubbing his belly, I got a sleep startle response and a large tooth all the way through my hand, right between the thumb and index finger.


    He also bit a visitor who reached down to pet him on his bed, even though the person knew they weren't supposed to - again - sleep startle. Our rule since then is that we only pet when he's standing up, that way we know he's awake.


    We do still sneak in a belly rub or two, but make sure that he's really awake when we do.

  6. Thanks for all the replies. I will definitely work on making things better for Cyber. I thought I had full leadership over Scruffy, but I guess I was wrong. I think he's doing a bit better now. They are currently chilling on the bed together.


    The laziness of Grey's still amazes me.


    Congratulations on your new pup!


    Just a note - that's not laziness - it's energy conservation.....:lol

  7. I have used Gatorade mixed 50/50 or 40/60, 30/70 (less Gatorade - more water) when I couldn't get Rocket to drink and he was obvioously dehydrated. Vet said it was ok to do this to get him to drink, but not to keep adding Gatorade, just add water to the bowl as he empties it. Rocket has a sweet tooth, so he liked the flavor and the sweetness. Only one bowl of water this way - don't keep giving Gatorade over time. A little is ok, too much is not good.


    Make sure he actually is dehydrated before you do this.


    Edited to add - I was typing this while you and Doggfather were responding above. Doggfather knows best - forget the Gatorade for now.

  8. The ones we buy have 2 per package. I usually give one wafer broken into pieces, and have only given it when we need to help firm up runny poop . It's not something we give regularly.


    Rocket thinks it's a cookie, so gobbles it down and thinks he scored a snack. I wouldn't give more than a half wafer or one wafer to start, since she is also in the probiotic.

  9. The usual rule is no cooked bones of any kind. Cooked or smoked bones are more prone to splintering than raw bones.


    There may be some who give cooked bones with extreme supervision, but the general rule is no cooked bones.

  10. We had a cool down jacket made out of a wicking fabric that is used to make bath towels. It is only used if he gets overheated (for a dog that raced in Florida, it's amazing how he can't handle temps over about 70 degrees...)


    If Rocket is having trouble cooling down after an outing or walk, we soak the coat with cool water and put it on him for 15-20 minutes. We've had great results doing this, as the coat conforms to his body and is easier to keep on him than a wet towel. In a pinch, a cold wet bath towel will work as long as you re-soak it with cool water once it warms up. We always take this cooling jacket to events where we will do a great deal of walking or spending time in the sun.

  11. We've seen this 2 different times with Rocket. Our vet says that the bloody mucus is part of the stomach lining that is inflamed or irritated, and the body needs to get rid of it. We ended up using a very strong dose of Flagyl and had to change foods once we eliminated everything else as a possible cause using stool samples, bloodwork etc.

  12. When we brought Rocket home, we put the crate in our bedroom and had him sleep in there for the first few weeks until we felt like he had adjusted to a routine. This kept him from wandering around while we were sleeping, and established his routine of sleeping in our room. We simply moved a dog bed into the crate spot when he was ready.


    We do keep the crate setup in another room in case he wants to go in there and hang out, especially while we are gone. It is primarily used as his "tanning booth" when the morning sun comes through that window now, but it's there if he needs a safe place. We also still crate him if someone is here working on the house, as he likes to help and really can get in the way. :lol It also prevents an escape if a service person is going in and out repeatedly.

  13. Because a lot of turkey necks can quickly unbalance a diet, they are very high in a lot of minerals and throw the critical ratios off. I have started to use MEATY ribs to clean teeth. So far my experiment has worked well. They are too dense for them to eat them, but soft enough not to crack teeth. They will chew on them for a quite a long time after the meat is gone. They are big enough (about 8" long) so no one has attempted to swallow them.


    If you can find them the day they expire you can stock up for cheap.



    Are these beef ribs or pork? (I'm assuming beef but wanted to double check) We use marrow bones but need some variety here. Rocket has learned the art of getting the marrow out and leaving the bone unchewed. :lol

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