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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. You need to get her into a routine and stick with it. If she thinks she is going to go out every hour, she won't be bothered to go. Then, when she doesn't go out every hour, she will have an accident.


    Give her as much space as you can while trying to get her to potty. Some people use longer leads or tie 2 together initilaly to give the dog more space, but I wouldn't do it unless you are an experienced handler. We don't want her to be an Amber Alert.


    Some dogs prefer to go beihnd something or on something. Our boy likes tall weeds or grass to squat over, but is in a routine where we walk at the same times every day, and has turnouts into a fenced area as part of his meal routines.


    These pups thrive on routine. Don't give up on her, just work on the routine and she will get there. It may not be wise to bring in a second pup until you have thr routine established with the first. Often, a new dog takes his/her clues from the one who is already there.

    Good luck. I'm sure others will chime in with things that have worked for them - it's a very common issue when a pup first arrives.

  2. I wonder if Rego's hearing is super sensitive to the sound of the fly buzzing? I know Rocket hears things that I don't, and DW says that I have "dog ears." :lol He runs to the window so much when there's the least little noise, that I occasionally call him Mrs. Kravitz....


    High pitched noises will startle Rocket on a walk. usually the sound of the metal on his leash clinking against whatever he is sniffing around, like a street sign post, or mailbox. When this happens, he will refuse to walk by the offending object again for a couuple of weeks, so we have to alter our route until he forgets about it, or has to walk past it because something on the other side now has his interest. . The startle is really bad when it happens, and if I didn't have a death grip on the leash he would take off.

  3. Quite pleased... we started the foundation Chicken and Rice 3 meals ago and Rego has the best poop he has had in the three weeks or so since we have had him. While his poop may not be as firm as I would like yet, it is now 100% "formed". Prior to this even the best poops have still had the second half be not formed at all. Also, very little gas if any. Jury is still out on this food, but so far it looks like we may have found a winner.


    Thanks rockets dad for the suggestion! :colgate

    Rocket's dad is pretty smart :lol


    Tell Rocket's Mom.....:lol


    i can only take credit for passing on the info. Uncle Bruce and Aunt Katie at the Greyhound Resort told us about it and got Rocket back to health using it. It works for us!

  4. It's a judgement call and some dogs just don't like coats.


    40 degrees on a mild sunny day is often fine without one. 40 degrees with a 20 mph cold wind I would put on a coat, but some dogs still may not need or want it. Depends on their fur, body fat, etc.


    Rocket usually wears his, but would gladly go without it even in snow. Take it along, if the temps are questionable. If she's cold, you will most likely know it.

  5. It's getting colder at night, especially on the floor. Try a light jacket / housecoat or pajamas.


    Sounds like you have a nester also, he's just trying to build a nest to get warm.


    EDITED TO ADD - OOPS - I missed that you tried that. I'd try it again. We see the same thing every Fall / Winter and pajamas or a coat settle it right out. If he's never worn PJ's before it may take him a few nights to get used to them.


    If that doesn't fix it, then I would be looking at other causes since he normally sleeps ok.

  6. Most Greyhounds think of the bed and/or crate as their safe place. They should not be handled or touched while in their bed. It's also possible that she got too close to the quick and it was a pain reaction, but rule number 1 needs to be "all humans stay out of his bed."


    Some hounds, like ours, will look like he's wide awake, but is actually sleeping with his eyes open. It is possible to startle him and get bitten. It has happened twice here, neither time his fault, as we was definitely startled out of sleep. We instituted a rule for ourselves and visitors after the first bite that we do not pet or handle him when he's laying down. He must be standing to be petted. In the case of the second bite, the person knew the rule, and forgot. He looked like he was awake. He wasn't.


    The sweetest hound in the world can bite if startled. We do all handling such as nails, paw wiping, brushing giving meds, Frontline application, etc when he is standing and awake, and only when he's standing. No problem since.




  7. If you don't get any takers here, some shelters will take food that has been opened. Your local shelter can most likely tell you if any local shelter will take it.


    The shelter in our county won't use open bags, but they collect them for the shelter in the next county over that will use them. We've had a few times that we were glad to have a place to take dog food that was perfectly good but didn't work out for our use.

  8. Poor Rocket! :( That is a nightmare. My very first grey had the WORST tummy issues and we too never found exactly what was causing it in her foods. Though back then I didn't know about a TRUE elimination diet, In fact that was about 15 years ago now and I didn't know a fraction about dog food ingredients that I know now. I would never let my current dogs eat some of the ingredients I fed back then! :blink:


    The adoption rep didn't know what the foster parents where feeding. (Rego sort of came for a "visit" for us to look at his arthritis situation and then he just never left our home! :P ) So i truly expected a "blow out" from the new food, but he tolerated it very well and had been for 9 days until the car incident.



    i won't bore everyone with details of all the foods we've tried over a few years, but we do know that the things that are supposed to be good add-ins like pumpkin and yogurt cause pudding poop when Rocket eats them.


    Could it be the yogurt causing the issue?

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