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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. He won't starve if you wait, but he might be a cranky traveler. We usually try to keep Rocket on his schedule when traveling. Since his routine is to go to sleep for an hour or two after a meal, it works well for us to keep the routine going when traveling.


    You could always give him some snacks to hold him over until you get there, but if he is really into his routine, you might have a more peaceful trip by stopping to feed him. No problems from an empty tummy that way either.

  2. Are you leaving the TV or Radio on when you leave? Most of the racing kennels have the radio or TV on to keep some noise going. This might help a great deal if it is "too quiet" for him when you're gone. He is new to everything that is going on, he will get better once he has the routine down.

  3. I can't believe that it's been a year. I really miss the Pimpmaster's posts.


    Am I thinking correctly that there was a video of Gus being vacuumed?


    Pimpmaster G, this is for you. I can't hear your name without thinking of this song, or hear this song without thinking of you.




    Thanks! That boy kept us laughing.

  4. I can't believe that it's been a year. I really miss the Pimpmaster's posts.


    Am I thinking correctly that there was a video of Gus being vacuumed?


    Pimpmaster G, this is for you. I can't hear your name without thinking of this song, or hear this song without thinking of you.


  5. You might try searching the old COSTCO threads. I think someone previously posted the name of the company maunfacturing the COSTCO foods and that it was similar to some of that manufacturer's name brand products. I'm thinking that Diamond was the manufactuerer, but don't take my word for it as I didn't follow the thread all that closely. No COSTCO here in the cornfields either.

  6. Try a little bit of gatorade in the water. WhenRocket was sick and not drinking, he practically emptied the bowl when I put Gatorade in with the water. He has a sweet tooth.


    While it's not something you want to add long term, it may make her go to the bowl and drink. I initially mixed Gatorade and Water 50/50 when he was pretty dehydrated, but cut it back over time until I no longer needed to add it.

  7. I noticed the article the rockets dad posted in Lexie's thread about poor Lexie's upset tummy issues and it mentioned that elevated food bowels can contribute to bloat. I don't know what is wrong with my memory, but I could have SWORN that it was the other way around! That elevating food bowls helps prevent bloat, not cause it. Am I totally way off base here? Or have the philosophies on this changed in the last 5 years or so?


    And the second question I have is "do you elevate your bowls"? I always have with my guys... but maybe I am not supposed to? :unsure


    Raised bowls here too. Probably 10-12 inches off the floor.


    I posted that link because it was the first list I found with a fairly complete list of possible symptoms for bloat when Lexie's Mom was trying to figure out what was going on. The article was much longer than just the symptoms list, but to be honest I only looked at the list of symptoms before posting it so she would have it as a reference.


    PS - don't believe everything you read on the internet.....:lol:P

  8. Unfortunately when the Big D kicks in, it happens fast with these guys. A crate will not help in this case, because if the diarrhea kicks in, you'll just have a crate to clean up.


    I agree with Onrushpam that there is something else at play here.


    Do the simple stuff first - Rule out Worms / parasites, get to the root of the stomach issues with your vet, secure the food in a closet or other area that he has no access to, and it sounds like a turnout or long walk before bedtime is essential. Keep him out there until he goes. Make that part of his routine without fail.


    These things are not fun for you, but they are better than what you are waking up to.


    Others will chime in with additional suggestions. Many have been through similar issues, and will be able to tell you what has worked for them.


    Good luck.


    Edited to add - just saw your other post regarding the cat food. Do you have an area where the cat 's food and water can be kept and have them use a cat door or opening in a door or gate that only they can get through? That's probably the only way to absolutley keep him away from it.

  9. The ink is probably not an issue since most dry erase markers are non-toxic. The issue is going to be any plastic that she ate and whether it passes through or comes back up. I would want to be there for a while monitoring the pup and not leaving her. If it comes back up, the plastic could obstruct her airway if there are large pieces.


    You will also need to montor poop just to make sure that it passes through. Too large of a piece and I would be concerned about an obstruction.


    I wouldn't panic, but think she would definitely need to be monitored. Might also be worth a call to your vet just to double check, as they've probably seen this before. I was stunned at how many Google entries there were for Dog Ate Dry Erase Marker. Seems to happen pretty regularly.

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