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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. Jimmy loves eating his canned I/d food! He is also feeling up to swiping his nose across the table to see what new inappropriate items he can ingest. He seems to be healing well and is getting up much more today. Today I had to add a little bit of chicken broth to water to get him to drink. Any suggestions to encourage drinking would be great. I also think the tramadol makes him restless which makes our getting some sleep at night a bit difficult. I am just grateful that he is healing well and knock on wood, has not thrown up a single time since being home!


    I have mixed in a little Lemon Lime Gatorade with water to get to Rocket to drink. He has a sweet tooth, and it worked. Not too much, just enough to flavor the water a little.


    Sounds like Jimmy is quickly getting back to normal.

  2. I haven't had a whole banana to myself since Rocket got here 3 years ago....:lol


    He also likes citrus - clementines, tangerines, oranges......


    There is very little that he turns down in the way of food, and like some pups mentioned above, I can even give him pills without putting them in anything, and he will take them. Since that's no fun, he usually gets them in some cheese. :lol

  3. Rocket always comes and sits at my feet when we use the squawker. I'm pretty sure that he was trained to do that when the squawker sounds since it's a consistent reaction.


    Maybe the sound frequency is similar enough to a squawker that he thinks he's supposed to sit ???


    Regardless, it's pretty cool - you need to get that on video.

  4. Ruby gave a warning that she wasn't comfortable with something. Maybe she felt ganged up on with 2 of them there. Was one standing over her? If so, that can be perceived as a threat.


    Since there is something she isn't comfortable with, a good course of action is to use the same rule that we use with Rocket., which is no petting unless he's standing up. Rocket startles when laying down, and is sometimes protective of his space. Once we figured it out, we only pet him when he's standing,. That way we know he's completely awake, and no one gets growled at or bitten. It also allows him to walk away if he doesn't want to be petted.


    It's a good idea to reinforce the rule with visitors anytime they enter. We had someone get bitten who knew not to pet him on his bed, but forgot about it until it was too late.

  5. The 2 mistakes made by your child are most likely the only reason for his behavior. Granted, the toy wasn't his, but him knowing that he can't take things from certain areas comes with time and training. If no one was there to correct him as he was taking it, then the opportunity to correct the behavior for that incident is lost. By taking what was essentially "his" toy at that time, he reacted and tried to give a warning.


    Our dog Rocket is the biggest Mama and Daddy's boy you'll ever meet, and he goes out of his way to be petted by kids. He also has some sleep aggression and space aggression. We instituted a no petting rule unless he is standing up. This avoids him being petted by someone (including us) and having him be accidentally startled or feel the need to protect his space or his bed. He has bitten twice (me once) and both times I can say that the human made the mistake. Greys often sleep with their eyes open, and both times he was startled by being touched while on his bed. No problems since we started obeying our own rule.


    If you enforce No Petting unless he's standing up, and no touching his bed or items on his bed while he's on it, you will avoid 99% of the problems. The rest comes with training, and you should also be teaching him that Nothing in Life is Free (NLIF - search it here on (GreytTalk). You should also search "sleep aggression" and "space aggression" on the forums and you will see many similar experiences with great advice by others.


    Others will chime in with a variety of experiences and advice, but it sounds like it;s a matter of adjustment and training for all.


    Good luck!



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