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Everything posted by robinw

  1. robinw

    Rip Cayenne Padre

    Oh no! I'm so very sorry!
  2. robinw


    I'm so sorry
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Mr. Murphy was really special
  4. Sleep all day, sleep all night, sleep inbetween
  5. Would it be possible to find some kind of doggie day care? Another thing you can try is leaving the TV or radio on for him. You can also try aDAP diffuser. And I agree that it might be a good idea to talk to your neighbours.
  6. Great news about Aquitaine! Fingers continue to be crossed
  7. You both continue to be in my thoughts. i will jump on the B9 bangwagon!
  8. Loca's were removed. I wish Treasure's and Phene's were, also.
  9. It's been my experience that they regress when they start to feel really comfortable in their home
  10. Congratulations!! Can't wait to see pictures
  11. That's what my vet did. She ruled out osteo saying it was arthritis. Finally I saw a different vet and insisted on x-rays, only to learn that it was osteo. I strongly urge everybody to insist on x-rays. In Phene's case it didn't make a difference as far as treatment and prognosis, but I knew what I was working with and knew when to let him go. ETA: Phene never limped or broke any limbs. He appeared to be in discomfort and started to lose his appetite.
  12. Lila looks really good! I hope all of you recover. Hugs to you, your mom and Lila
  13. robinw


    Melissa, that was a beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Rascal. I bet she's already found Ruby, Buddy and Elizabeth.
  14. Melissa, I'm so very sorry. I'm sure she was met by Ruby at the bridge
  15. You can also try leaving the TV or the radio on for her. btw, black hounds are the best, aren't they? not that I'm biased. Congratulations!
  16. robinw


    From the album: Iker

  17. robinw


    From the album: Iker

  18. Happy Gotcha Day, sweetie! Go find Phene and have a blast!
  19. robinw

    Festive 3 copy.jpg

    From the album: Iker

  20. Oh Mary, I remember Freddie and how special he was. Enjoy your birthday, Freddie
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