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Everything posted by robinw

  1. It's only been three days. Please relax and she may relax, also. Just keep in mind that everything is new for her and try to remember ho strang and new everything is. Try not to leave her alone in the beginning. No closed doors and maybe you can try something like Bitter Apple on the window sills. I really think it's way too early to be thinking about fit. Relax and take it slow
  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts
  3. It's only been a couple of days. Please relax and be patient. Everything is brand new to her and she isn't used to being in a home. To me it doesn't seem so unual that she would have been on the table, which is new to her, or that she jumps at the windows. Do you think it's possible that she knew you were outside? She needs to be able to bond with you and your wife and to know that she is safe. Do you tense up at all when she is walked? I'm sure she would be able to feel any change in your behaviour, be it verbal or non vebal. Be patient and give her time and space. See if muzzling her when you both have to leave the house works, and try leaving the radio or the tv on for her since she probably isn't used to quiet. Good luck! I'm sure it will be fine.
  4. It's not disbanded. On you on FB? They have a FB page.
  5. Happy Birthday beautiful Shelby. Have fun with your bridge friends; there are many to help you celebrate.
  6. Happy Birthday Beautiful Nadia! to dad
  7. Happy Birthday at the Bridge, Hot Rod. I hope you're celebrating with all of your GT friends.
  8. Thanks, Ducky. These posts are very special. I'm so sorry for all who have left us
  9. We miss you beautiful Gracie. Hugs, Jan
  10. How awful! You are both in my thoughts, as is your other dog
  11. Thank you so much, all, for the very kind words. Treasure was an amazing girlie. She was sweet, easy going and absolutely bombproof. She was the perfect companion for Iker. Iker has been a wreck. He's been whining even more than usual and isn't eating. I have him wearing Treasure's collar hoping that her aroma will calm him. Even Allen the cat is meowing a lot. I told both of them what happened, but who knows...
  12. This is so sad. I remember her so well.
  13. sent Treasure to the bridge today. osteo Although last' month's xrays were clear, i decided to take her to another vet for a second opinion. As the vet was showing me the tumour on her x-rays, she went into respirtory distress and was on oxygen. We decided to let her go. It was quick and peaceful.
  14. Osteo. Last month her x-rays came out clean but over the weekend she had stopped eating and started to cought a lot. Took her to a different vet today for a second opinion. As she was showing me the tumour on the x-rays, a tech knocked on the door and called her out. Treasure had gone into respiratory distress and was oxygen. I went to see her and she couldn't breathe and was foaming at the mouth. We decided to let her go. It was quick and peaceful.
  15. Great timing! I'm taking Treasure in for her first laser therapy treatment this coming Monday. I'm hoping it will help heal a soft tissue injury that she has had for about a month and a half.
  16. I just saw this thread. What an awful few days you've had! So glad that Robin is home with you. Hoping for continued improvement.
  17. Congratulations! He's a real cutie!
  18. I'm so sorry. This wasn't your fault. So many awful things happen that we can't predict
  19. Such a lovely guy. I'm so very sorry
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