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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Has anybody checked for tick borne disease? Lethargy was Phoenix's main symptom for babesia.
  2. The exact same thing just happened to Treasure. Clear X-rays after limping. She, too, was diagnosed with a soft tissue injury. She seems much better now, but she was in a lot of pain, as much pain as I had even seen from Phoenix with his osteo. The injury happened at least two weeks ago; I was out of town so I don't know exactly when. She is finally better, but not completely. She still isn't doing stairs, but hopefully that will come soon. Hopefully Stewie will be better soon, also.
  3. Well, he still tries to steal the cat's food. I mostly just make fun of him because he is so sneaky and he has such a long, skinny butt.
  4. If Laura hasn't said that her Galgos won't counter surfers, I would have thought that they all are I think sometimes what we think is tempting to a dog might be differ than hat the actual dog thinks is temping. Iker was more interesting in stealing paper than he was in some kinds of food.
  5. Iker was a counter surfer. I broke him of it by not leaving anything out that would interest him.
  6. I just hung out in the house and took it slow. It might not be a bad idea to let your new dog approach you in the beginning, rather than your doing the approaching. Which is guess is what Jenbo just said
  7. imagine how much that would scare our chicken dogs?
  8. Treasure, my calm, confident greyhound, was already with me when I adopted Iker, my very shy Galgo. She has been wonderful for him and has basically done all the work
  9. Phoenix was treated for babesia, so all I cal do is relate my experience. His titres were weren't that terrible, but he was symptomatic, plus the little critters were visible in his blood. Treatment was two injections of Imidocarb. We were lucky as he didn't have any bad side effects post treatment but I know of other dogs who have. I would have the titres redone at North Carolina State. Here is a good art idle which may answer some of your questions. http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/assets/pdf/hospital/bloodBank/wellness/research/TestingforTickBorneDiseases.pdf
  10. Are you able to purchase this harness where you live? I used it for Loca when her rear legs were collapsing and it was very useful. Of course you both continue to be in my thoughts
  11. That's good news! Treasure was also xrayed yesterday with normal results. Hopefully we're starting a trend
  12. Don't panic until you have facts, ok? I lost Phoenix to osteo a couple of years ago and I thought for sure that Treasure had it, but today's X-rays were beautifully normal. My advice is to get X-rays to rule it out, ok?
  13. That must've been scary! Both you and Jimmie are in my thoughts.
  14. I'm so sorry, Liz. This is just so unfair
  15. Thanks, all. I bought Bag Balm. He loved having it applied. He's so strange
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