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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I just saw this. How scary! I'm so glad that she is doing better. She looks great in that last photo
  2. I'm so thrilled for you and your family! She is beautiful and sounds very sweet. I bet she and Silas will be best friends, too
  3. Congratulations! I remember her from Grapehounds. She is so cute!
  4. My friend Rose met Graham (he had a different name) at GRA. She absolutely fell in love with him but couldn't take him. She was so thrilled when she heard that he ended up with you. I'm so sorry, Suzanne. He was a very special guy.
  5. He's off of the Clomicalm and is eating like he should and acting normally (for Iker).
  6. He was taking 40mg twice a day and he weighs about 55 lbs. I was wondering if that was too large a dose. The vet I spoke to this morning isn't my usual vet, but she seems to hint at the same thing.
  7. I spoke to the vet this morning. She said to stop the meds and we'll revisit the dosage. She thinks it might be too high.
  8. Thanks for the update and I'm glad you're both feeling better. Looking forward to the next positive update.
  9. After having resisted for a year, I started Iker on Clomicalm this past Sunday; 40mg 2x a day. I've noticed a definite decrease in appetite and he seems somewhat lethargic and depressed when he's in the house. I've read that these are documented possible side effects. Should they disappear after a few weeks or should I be concerned and discontinue these meds? Thanks
  10. robinw


    What a beautiful guy. I'm so sorry for your losses
  11. Amalia, his foster mom in Seville, gave me his clicker. I forgot about it until now. That's a good idea; maybe I'll try it first.
  12. Has anybody ever used Touch Associated Clicker Training (TACT) with their dog? I read that is is good for fearful dogs, possibly like Iker. There will be a seminar offered in Toronto next month and I'm trying to decide if it's worth it. Does anybody here have experience with it? Has it been successful? Is it worth $135 for a day long seminar? Any thoughts or comments? thanks
  13. Yes, for Loca, Treasure and Phoenix. Seemed fine, although Treasure seemed a bit undercomfortable for a little while after every visit. I took Phoenix regularily until his osteo diagnosis. The chiropractor was very gentle and the dogs didn't mind going at all.
  14. I believe the OP was referring to Jack, plus conditions can be different in the UK.
  15. With all due respect, I might not worry about side effects at this point. I think your main focus should be keeping him free of the extreme pain of osteo. I know, it sucks. I've been through it twice, most recently this past May
  16. What a nice story! Do you have photos?
  17. He's probably in a great deal of pain. My vet told me that any time they show pain with osteo, such as a limp, what they are actually feeling is probably a zillion times worse, as osteo is extremely painful.
  18. I loved Xander. I'm so sorry. Please give my condolences to his family.
  19. Bridge Angel's Phoenix's eyes were as you described. He was seen by a canine ophthalmologist for the diagnosis. I never got to track it as he developed osteosarcoma shortly afterwards and was sent to the bridge. His eyes were also light amber.
  20. I'm so sorry about Tempo. By the time Treasure was finally diagnosed with osteo, it had spread to her lungs. I let her go the day the was diagnosed because she had trouble breathing, even with an oxygen mask. Keep an eye on him and enjoy him, ok? Wendy, good luck with Twiggy!
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