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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Robbie, that picture made me laugh nah, not nearly greasy enough
  2. that was my thought, also. Acupuncture can work wonders, too. Kerri, you and Gus continue to be in my thoughts. Please don't think your hounds' health problems aren't important enough to post here, i post whenever there's a little limp
  3. glad the joint fluid is clear. has she forgiven you yet?
  4. uh, the pizza is kinda gone . i'm a piggy. so we're all set; i've bought some EVO food, fish oil capsules and i'm trying to find artemisinin but it hasn't been easy. at his request, my vet has sent loca's radiographs and radiologist's report to dr. couto.
  5. i know both Loca and Warmheartedpups' Roo had very hard to detect UTIs, resulting in frequent peeing in the house. In both cases, regular testing missed it.
  6. he asked to have my vet forward her radiographs maybe this evening i can bore you all with silly loca pics )
  7. Just had to say, Dr. Couto is amazing!! I emailed him last night and have already received a reply!!
  8. that's good news. i know how we all panic whenever there's a leg injury (or any kind of injury for that matter )
  9. Once again, thanks so much for the good wishes and advice. I'm not familiar with artemisinin at all. In spite of completing a google search, I wasn't able to find out much except that it's effective in treating malaria and cancer. Is it a prescription drug or can it be purchased in health food stores/over the counter? Traumeel was mentioned in a previous thread about painmanagement. Is it effectve for all types of pain, including cancer? thanks
  10. thank you for posting this. your timing couldn't have been better
  11. my vet just left a message. loca's cancer is early stage but there hasn't been a grade assigned because that would entail a biopsy. it's in her scapula.
  12. Robin I'll be happy to share that wine with you this weekend. then we can laugh, cry and get drunk together. Glad to hear that she is eating and roaching. it's a date!! my house is even clean!!
  13. thanks for your good thoughts, all. i guess my next step is to order a pizza to share with phene and loca, but i'm keeping the wine for myself my understanding is that her lungs are clear. my vet wants me to contact dr. couto re: treatment options, which i wil, but my gut feeling is that i'll opt for pain management. after all, she's has 12.5 very spoiled and indulged years last time tina (TinasTroops) looked after phene and loca (around 3 weeks ago), she and Jen (Jiffer) commented that her mobility seemed to have decreased. i had noticed it also, but seeing her every day i didn't realize how marked the difference was, which was why i had xrays taken rather than her usual chiropractic adjustments. she had seemed very uncomfortable but the metacam seems to be working wonders. has appetite is great and she is starting to roach again
  14. nah, it was a good kind of crying...laughing and crying at the same time after all, how many hounds get their own cafe press store
  15. Loca has just been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma, a form of bone cancer. I don't know a thing about it. Does anybody have any information? thanks
  16. they look very happy together
  17. i'm so sorry; you've had so much loss in so short a time
  18. That's a good idea; i bet the wait will be excruciating. Improvement is good news
  19. yes, she's on metacalm daily; 22 kl every morning. it's possible that i'm just being paranoid, as loca is still loca and she gorged herself on dogfood friday when i left the container off of the food bin.
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