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Everything posted by robinw

  1. i'm so glad Cofax is still around i remember how sick she was. i wasn't on top of it. i should have had the culture completed a long time ago even though my vet said that nothing probably would have shown up eta: loca's infection is the opposite of the one Cofax had. it went from the bottom up.
  2. it's not her throat. it's her urinary tract. possibly into her bladder too. the vet said that she has been seeing a of of bad infections this year. she thinks it's due to the really damp weather with some warm days thrown in. no, her temperature was normal. the symptoms i noticed were, besides the UTI stuff, was tiring quickly during even the shortest walks and shortness of breath, besides the usual UTI type stuff. i guess one of the problems is that it's resistant to almost all antibiotics. gentimicin is one of the few antibiotics that can treat it, but my vet was afraid that drug would wreck Loca's kidneys, so she's on a combo of two drugs that should be safer.
  3. back to the vet this evening as Loca was dehydrated. vet noticed swollen glands and big tonsils. blood test ruled out lymphoma. while i was there, the results from the culture arrived. for those of you who know about this stuff, she has pseudomonas aeruginosa and group G strep; both very difficult to treat. bladder xray ruled out bladder stones. no more baytril for loca! she is now taking clamavox and tomorrow i am picking up injectable antibiotics, which she'll need 2x a day. we've discontinued the metacam and tramadol for the time being.
  4. i'm facing the same problem with Loca, probably because of the meds she's been on. the only thing i can coax her to eat is by nature 100% organic chicken or turkey. it's just chicken or turkey with well water.
  5. holy cow! that's a lot of food! my guys get about 3 cups a day each of California Natural.
  6. It can be really tough finding the right food. A lot of us have gone through what you have. My hounds lost lost of weight when I switched them to Evo regardless of how much they were fed. I've had success with California Natural Chicken and Rice but it's expensive. Have you tried adding pumpkin to Blu's food?
  7. i remember Penny's story. it's so hard when you're in the middle of things, isn't it? no matter what happened, you did what was best for Penny. you loved her and she knew it. there is absolutely no reason for you to beat yourself up
  8. i got loca eating again with canned turkey and chicken that i bought at the pet food store. i hope he eats soon.
  9. i'll trade your unruly black girl for my unruly black girl! now you know how i knew about poison control! hope she's ok!
  10. i gave her pepcid about 1/2 hour before she ate and gave her baytril after her dinner. she greeted me at the door this evening (very low key greeting but still good), so i guess she's feeling getter
  11. please call the ASPCA poison control centre. i think it costs approx. $60 but it's well worth it and the advice they offer, as well as follow up, is fantastic. (888) 426-4435. keep us posted, ok?
  12. Protatek did Phene's tick panel and they detected found his babesia.
  13. woo hoo!! loca just ate 1.5 cans of chicken thighs and ground turkey with chicken broth. thanks everybody!
  14. Oh no, Claudia, my heart is breakibng for you and for the rest of us that will miss the lovely Misty. You are both in my thoughts
  15. i will but my understanding is that baytril is one of the only antibiotics that will work on the stubborn strain of vaginitis that my vet has been seeing in her practice lately.
  16. that sound yummy i can buy it from you for a pizza or something . i would really appreciate that. call me a terrible Loca mommy but you know how grossed out i am by that stuff.
  17. i called the vet. they suggested omitting the baytril tonight if she refuses to eat. i don't want to do that because of the uti and vaginitis. i would rather cut out one of the painkillers. she has a UTI and vaginitis. she appears to be in lots of pain.
  18. Loca, Loca, Loca...she has refused food since yesterday evening's vet visit, which means she hasn't eaten since yesterday morning. She is taking baytril, metacam and tramadol for a UTI and vaginitis. At what point should I be concerned? Would the batril be upsetting her stomach, resulting in her refusal to eat? She also seems unsteady on her feet now; would that be due to the tramadol? I know I seem nutso concerned, but she's 13.5 years old. Any advice would be appreciated . thanks
  19. hey, i'm lucky. it could be a lot worse.
  20. thanks for asking . ugh, she woke me up several times during the night. at one point i got up to take her out and slipped on poop (hers, not mine) downstairs because she was too doped up last night to walk her. i gave her tramadol about an hour ago so she's finally sleeping quietly. i wish i was, too poor thing must be in so much pain.
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