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Everything posted by robinw

  1. no sleep. that makes...four weeks without sleep? at this point i can't be held responsible for anything that comes out of my mouth or is typed by my fingers Robin- I can attest to not getting more than 2 hours of sleep a night all broken up into 10 or 20 minute segments and after the 3rd night, how insane I began to feel. throw in living alone and not having anybody to bounce off. absolutely off the wall!
  2. just spoke to her vet at U of Guelph. Loca spent the night in ICU and is much better now that they've got her pain under control. She are sending blood for a tick panel out and are giving her an injection of doxy.
  3. Loca would also go a day or two without eating. I never really worried about it, but it's good that you're having everything checked.
  4. no sleep. that makes...four weeks without sleep? at this point i can't be held responsible for anything that comes out of my mouth or is typed by my fingers
  5. wow, i'm going through a very similar thing with Loca. i know how it feels...she is at the University of Guelph as I type for a neurological exam. you're both in my thoughts...
  6. damn, i don't know where to start... I took Loca to the e-vet this afternoon because, besides falling constantly, she had developed pronounced head, throat and chest tremours. I got to the vet and...get a load of this...I mentioned that Loca had a fentanyl patch, so the vet asked me where it was. I said it was on the inside of her thigh. the e-vet flipped!!! off came the patch, as it was determined that she was overdosing on the meds. Rather than being placed on the outside of her thigh, it was placed on the inside, right over a main artery in an area where there isn't any hair. She was then referred to University of Guelph (OVC) for a neurological work up as the e-vet was concerned about how often she was buckling and falling over. at OVC she had a quick assessment and it was determined that she should have a full neurological exam in the morning as the initial assessment suggested some kind of neurological involvement. there is a possibility that it could residual effects from the patch, but she seemed pretty confident that there was probably more going on such as a problematic disk or even a tumour. keep in mind that by this time she was a zillion times better than she was before the patch was removed. everything else seemed normal but it was obvious she was in a good deal of pain originating from several areas. she is spending the night there so she could be seen first thing in the morning and so that she can be safe from falls. Loca had the patch because she had been floppy and seemingly in a lot of pain. Twice I called the vet because she was falling over so often. Yesterday , after watching her walk, the vet said that her walk and posture were good. then she proceeded to fall over in the hallway. the vet said he wasn't worried because it was probably due to the patch and that he didn't think anything was broken. how could he say she had good posture and stance when she collapsed in the hallway??? i wish i had been more insistent every time i called or brought her in. during this time there's been at least two visits and several phone calls due to loca's frequent collapsing (not to mention the zillions of other visits). there was always a reason given for it, but as Tina will attest to, I was never satisfied. i'm not happy about that, but there is no excuse for making a mistake with the fentanyl patch. Regardless of the outcome of tomorrow's exam, i'm so relieved that it is being completed. thanks so much to Tina, who has always been there for me.
  7. well we just came back from yet another vet visit and the brat (Loca) became perfectly normal!! she's up and about, she's walking well and the vet said that she doesn't have any injuries. who wants her?
  8. i came back from walking phene and heard some crying. loca was sprawled and shaking on the floor in the hallway. i helped her up and she is now resting on a dog bed, although most of her body is actually on the floor. i tried to reposition her but she kind of snapped at me. i've put rubbed-backed mats on the floor and bought the harness recommended by tina, but i haven't put it on as she's lying down and seems very uncomfortable. if it wasn't for the fact that my vet insists that she's fine, i would put her out of her pain.
  9. thanks, Tina. i'll drop by adventure guide tomorrow
  10. oh no...so much loss in such a short period of time. I'm so sorry
  11. the vet told me that today would be even worse than yesterday and she was right. she fell down my outside steps and landed on her back on the lowest step. it was awful. i helped her up and took her for a brief walk. i carried her up the outside steps into the house, which wasn't easy. my dog walker said that she "collapsed" during her noon walk and that a guy who works for the cable company carried her home and into the house. she is very uncomfortable and is spending her time sprawled out over a few dog beds. i've managed to get her to eat a few tripe biscuits () which is better than nothing. this sucks but it's exactly what the vet told me would happen. i hate to see her like this.
  12. wow, i just read this. what a journey!!! i'm looking forward to reading a positive update
  13. Michele said that the laser itself doesn't cause pain, it's the use of muscles that haven't been used for a while after the laser is completed.
  14. thanks. Tina is going to the vet with me tonight. she's much more assertive than i am .
  15. it's not the uti that's worrying me as much as the bacterial infection. i asked to have the culture repeated yesterday but he didn't think it was necessary. i'm going to insist, along with having the urinalysis repeated, which he also didn't think was necessary. i would think that since it is such a hard infection to treat that they would want to monitor it.
  16. does anybody have any idea what might be going on? this is exhausting and frustrating and i feel like all i'm doing is making her miserable and uncomfortable. what should i do?
  17. spoke too soon. she's stopped eating, is wobbly and almost fell over on phene. back to the vet after work.
  18. phene's skin turns from light pink to eggplant every year. i think the sun does it.
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