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Everything posted by robinw

  1. yet another recommendation to call OSU.
  2. OMG!!! That is just horrible! I so hope
  3. babesia can also appear as arthritis; that's what happened to phoenix. his symptoms were intermittant limping and lack of energy (even less than normal). ETA: the limping stopped after he was treated for babesia.
  4. glad the Flashman is eating...even if you need to hand feed him
  5. you and Diamond continue to be in my thoughts
  6. Queen Softee was very special
  7. Hello, I've been adding yogurt with probiotics to Loca's food since she's being treated with clamavox and baytril. I'm hoping that it will help her immune system as those are powerful antibiotics. How much should I add? I've been giving her two healthy tablespoons. Is there anything else anybody could recommend? thanks
  8. whoa!!!! Gem was one lucky doggie!
  9. the Medi-Cal really has seemed to do the trick. i have to warn you...the farts (and there will be many) smell exactly like the food
  10. robinw


    Oh no...I'm so sorry
  11. i had a dog that had a stroke and acupuncture worked wonders
  12. Claudia, I am so very sorry. We'll miss you, Misty
  13. I'm so sorry, Kim. She was so sweet and beautiful
  14. i feel your pain. i've been having the same struggle with Loca. try Medi-cal Recovery Formula. i bought it at the vet's office. it's foul but at least Loca will eat it.
  15. good news! Loca had stopped eating the chicken so the vet game me cans of a prescription dog food for dogs recovering from illness. it's meant to add calories. i'll post the link when i get home from work because i forgot the name of the food. ot's foul but loca vacuumed it up. Medi-cal Recovery Formula
  16. good news! Loca had stopped eating the chicken so the vet game me cans of a prescription dog food for dogs recovering from illness. it's meant to add calories. i'll post the link when i get home from work because i forgot the name of the food. ot's foul but loca vacuumed it up.
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