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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Yes, indeedy! I could probably claim the seats and doors! What was the fabulous Phener-weener-beener at the vet for? I hope he is okay; did Loca convince him that the peanuts would be a great idea for him too?? physical, vaccines and senior blood work since he's 9 now. on tuesday he goes in for a dental. i claim the engine and the transmission!
  2. what is it with you guys????? there was Loca pooping peanuts every two hours Monday night into Tuesday morning and then puking all over my bed and all you guys care about is that she's back to normal???????? how about a little sympathy for me????????
  3. sending many, many positive thoughts Max's way. of course he'll be fine in time for our next visit to NCR "I'msureit'snothing,justaweirdgrowthI'msureit'snothing,justaweirdgrowthI'msureit'snothing,justaweirdgrowthI'msureit'snothing,justaweirdgrowth" geez, between Max's and Phene's visits to Michelle today she'll be able to afford a second Hummer
  4. Loca is completely back to normal. she was playing this morning and her appetite has been good. however, she does seem more concerned with what's in Phene's food dish than what's in her dish. that is new.
  5. i don't know. it was 4m. all i cared about was changing the sheets and going back to bed
  6. Loca ate all of those peanuts and shells Monday night. She is still acting like she doesn't feel well and she was nice enough to puke all over my bed at 4am this morning. Does anybody have any idea how long it will take for everything to pass? thanks
  7. I used IV bags to keep Loca's foot dry but some moisture still seeped through and it wasn't unusual for the bag to come off. I ended up taking her to the vet for a bandage change about once a week.
  8. Be super careful not to let the bandage get wet or even a wee bit damp, or else there stands a good chance of infection, which is what happened to Loca.
  9. Good poop or bad poop? think super crunchy peanut butter, only darker
  10. she got me up four times during the night to go out
  11. now that Loca's feeling better, who wants her?
  12. Brat! What should I do? I don't have to run her to the vet, do I?
  13. hello from balmy kitchener!
  14. woo hoo! Not only has Loca's UTI completely cleared up, ALL of her senior bloodwork was NORMAL!!! looks like i'll be stuck with that bratface forever!! :beatheart
  15. NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! that is so unfair!! you and Fred have been through too much already
  16. She's roaching, which is good. We're going back to the vet tomorrow to see if she's OK now. thanks for asking .
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