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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I think she'll be fine . If you ever have any questions, I've found the ASPCA Poison Control Centre to be invaluable and the number works in Canada!
  2. robinw


    Vince, you've lost so many in such a short period of time. I'm so sorry
  3. robinw

    Sparkle Inmyeyes

    I'm so sorry for your loss. She was beautiful
  4. remember how fast Loca's tail wagged because it was so short? Saharah's will be the same
  5. of course we're sending all the good thoughts we can to the lovely Sahara.
  6. Robbie, I don't think a day goes by where I don't think about you and Iberia. I still remember reading the updates from the vet's office like it was yesterday. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that heartbroken we all were when he didn't make it. Having said that, I'm sure that, more than anything, he'd want you to be happy and to stop beating yourself up over that awful night. After such a long period of time where he and Frank were getting along, there was no no way in the world you ever could ever have predicted those events. You did all you could and you gave both Iberia and Frank so much love. We all miss Iberia and I'm sure that he and Loca are hanging out together at the Bridge. Much love from Phoenix and I
  7. Chris, I know you loved Loca. Do you remember when she broke into your suitcase and ate all of poor Donovan's cookies?
  8. I'm sorry for your loss. She was beautiful
  9. oh no. you're both in my thoughts
  10. What an awful 48 hours you've had. Please know that you're all in my thoughts
  11. i'm sure he feels much better now that he;s home.
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