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Everything posted by robinw

  1. as greytful4 said, i guess it takes as long as it takes. it's been 2.5 months since i lost loca and i still miss her terribly. the tears are slowly being converted to smiles, but it's still very painful
  2. Tina and Eric, I'll miss the lovely Cyah so much. I really loved her. Take comfort that she will be with her friends Tilt and Loca at the bridge
  3. robinw

    Gable Hoodootoo

    I'm so sorry for your loss
  4. robinw


    Foxy is missed by so many of us
  5. I'm so sorry. I was really hoping he'd pull through
  6. that is great news! to post an update, click edit then full edit on the lower right hand side of your original post. from there you can add updates or change the title. i think you have to be a GT supporter to be able to do this, though. ETA that Loca didn't do well on Tramadol, either.
  7. Patti, LeeLee is greatly missed by all of us
  8. Phoenix acted the same way when Loca passed away. Things have really improved since adopting Treasure last month. Hope Soldi (and you) feel better
  9. Treasure and I are looking forward to seeing some of her old friends at Canine Days . i understand that she used to like to hang out with Dee.
  10. robinw

    Fly Baby Dodge

    Diane, my heart sank when I saw Dodge's name. I'm so sorry
  11. robinw

    Puppy Oliver

    Deanna, I'm so sorry
  12. Happy Gotcha Da, Andy. We miss you
  13. I had a dog who had acupuncture following a stroke. i'd say that she recovered to about 90% of her pre-stroke self, but to be honest, i don't know how much was due to the treatment and how much was just normal recovery. having said that, she was around 11 years old at the time and lived to be 16 . i noticed some improvement following each treatment but it was more of a cumulative thing. she had extrensive acupuncture during the first month or so following her stroke, then we moved away so the treatments stopped. good luck to Hannah and i hope she feels better ETA: i've had acupuncture after i broke my arm and messed up my rotator cuff last year. they seemed to be effective and i generally felt the results almost immediately. they didn't last for that long, though.
  14. times like these are hard, aren't they?
  15. robinw

    Oshkosh Tessie

    I'm so sorry for your loss
  16. That was an absolutely fantastic video. it's obvious he was well loved. we will all miss Kane
  17. I'm so sorry. Please don't feel guilty. You sheltered him from having to spend his final days in pain I'm sure Loca met him at the bridge with a cold martini and nachos
  18. this came at a good time for me, also. i think the full impact of Loca's death is just starting to kick in. thank you.
  19. Art, how about a little more about the dogs? Are there any brood mamas? How about dogs from Guam? or dogs left in people's backyards?dogs given up because of sick owners? Even better, how about posting about them in Everything Greyhounds for more exposure?
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