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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I had to make the same decision this past June. My best advice is, no matter the circumstance, don't beat yourself up and remember that the decision was made out of love and compassion. I'm very sorry you have to go through this. You and your hound are in my thoughts
  2. OK Winslow! I won a painting by Winslow in the poop bag contest. It arrived yesterday! It's bright and vibrant, just like Winslow seems to be
  3. Happy Birthday, Lisa! I hope you, Lando and Loca are celebrating together
  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of Pablo. He was indeed very special.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss
  6. robinw

    So Long Kees

    I'm so sorry for your loss
  7. Oh no, I just saw this. I am so sorry. Cora was indeed very special
  8. woo hoo!!!! :yay :yay :confetti Mary, I would be honoured to give one of Loca's special collars to Jaynie. Would that be OK? In fact, I could drop one off Saturday evening if you would like, as I'm in TO all weekend for work.
  9. no, not at this point. it's sad. he cries when he stands in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs until i turn on the light; then he comes upstairs. then again, this is the same guy who refused to move in the vet's office because there was a leaf stuck to his foot. he stood there holding his foot up until i removed it. the entire office made fun of him
  10. robinw

    Good-bye Cowboy

    Oh no, Patricia. I'm so sorry
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was very special
  12. We're back from the vet. The lump is too small to do a needle biopsy at this point. Since Phene needs a dental, we're going to remove it and send it out for analysis when the dental is completed; probably in February, unless it changes or his teeth seem to worsen. Due to the size, location and consistency, the vet didn't seem terribly concerned but he would like to get it checked out when it's either bigger (if it's bigger) or during other surgery (or dental). Another thing I'd noticed about Phene is that he'll no longer climb the stairs in the dark. The vet checked out his eyes and showed me changes in his lens. He said that it's difficult to tell at this point whether it's just a matter of aging eyes or the beginning of cataracts, but he believes that he is in fact having difficulty seeing in the dark. His vision is something else I'll have to keep an eye on. Thanks to all who offered advice and good wishes
  13. robinw

    Missing My Boy

    That made me cry, also. it's been almost five months since I lost Loca and I second guess myself every day. It still hurts as much as it did the day I lost her. to you
  14. loca died as a result of many "that's nothings"; at the very least she was forced to live too long with untreatable pain because i was always told that it was nothing serious. i also had a cat died because of a "that's nothing" that turned out to be cancerous. much of it was my fault for not getting second opinions when i should have and i never want that to happen again.
  15. Mary, I just saw this. What a roller coaster ride!! I'm so glad that you've found a specialist that has earned your confidence. You and Jaynie (and Vikas, of course) are in my thoughts. Hoping for a positive update soon.
  16. A few days ago I found a hard, pea size lump on Phene's upper rib cage. It's hard and I can move it. We're going to the vet Wednesday afternoon. After all of the screw ups with Loca, I don't want to leave any room for mistakes either by me or by the new vet. What kinds of questions should I be asking? Are there any types of tests I should keep in mind? What about possibilities of the cause of the lump? Any suggestions would really be appreciated. thanks
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