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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss
  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart sank a zillion miles when I saw his name. Tami, I'm so very sorry. I loved Sunscreen Man. He was such a gentle guy and I so enjoyed his visit several years ago. He'll be missed and both you and he will be in my thoughts for a long time.
  3. Oh no, Dee...I'm so very sorry. Abby was so full of life and fun. We'll all miss her
  4. Congratulations!! He's beautiful and he looks like he'll be loads of fun
  5. I was also thinking that the walk might have been a bit long if he wasn't used to it. Maybe shorter walks would work, with building up to longer walks. My Phoenix is another 1999er whose legs shake after lots of exercise or if he's standing on a hard surface (pavement) for a long period of time. I just try to get him to lay down, then he seems fine. I really enjoyed the video. He looks like a really fun guy
  6. i think you're both going to have a blast! Congratulations to both of you!
  7. I remember Angie. She was very special and absolutely beautiful. Your poem was a moving tribute to a wonderful hound.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was beautiful
  9. Treasure enthusiastically rubs her face, also. It's really funny!
  10. robinw


    I'm so sorry for your loss
  11. robinw


    Oh no, this is so sad!! I was so hoping Emily would recover and that her infections would clear up Glenn,is there anything we can do? I'm so sorry.
  12. I tether Phene and Treasure to a bike rack in front of Tim Horton's every morning. They are in full sight through the front windows. Nothing bad has ever happened, but they're only there for a few minutes. I've also tethered them in front of stores/ take out restaurants if I know I'm going to be very quick and if I can see them from inside.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. YOu've had a hard time of it I have nothing but add, but I'm sure she loves you, it will just take her a little while to be able to express it. Time, patience and love
  14. Thanks for posting the postures. Molly was beautiful
  15. Happy Bridge Birthday Cherry
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