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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Such a beautiful tribute to Miz Kelsey. I'm so sorry for your loss
  2. Like others have said, please send the x-rays to OSU for a second opinion. I hope it's not cancer
  3. robinw


    I'm so sorry for your loss. I always loved looking at pictures of Sunny. Do you have more you can post?
  4. I'm so sorry you, Sherman and your family are going through this. I know how painful the question of "when" is. I remember asking that same question on Loca's behalf a year ago. It sucks. As so many others have said, Sherman will let you know when it's time. Regardless of the decision you make, it will be made out of love, respect and devotion for Sherman.
  5. robinw

    My Tribute To May

    I'm so sorry for your experience. May must've been very special and you certainly did all you could have done for her, and more, because you loved her so much
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss
  7. robinw

    Poppy Doyle

    Bev, my heart is absolutely broken for you. So much loss in such a short time. I'm so sorry
  8. robinw

    My Iberia...

    It seems so fitting that you'll be graduating tomorrow, doesn't it? Robbie, I don't think a day goes by where I don't think of both you and Iberia. I remember that time like it was yesterday. Relax and think good thoughts as he continues to have a positive effect on your life, as well as mine (and others, also). Iberia, please celebrate your mom's big day with Loca .
  9. Such a beautiful poem for a beautiful hound.
  10. robinw


    Marvin was an amazing little guy, wasn't he? I'm so sorry for your loss
  11. Lisa, how did things go with Max yesterday?
  12. robinw

    Tetley Doyle

    Oh no, not Tetley! I'm so sorry
  13. I remember Rusty well; he was very special I think I'll always think of Rusty and Loca playing together at the Bridge
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was quite a beauty
  15. Congratulations!! He is beautiful!
  16. Thank you for this. I just paid for a membership. We need to keep this program alive.
  17. robinw


    I'm so very sorry
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