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Everything posted by robinw

  1. What kind of food are you feeding him? It could be a food allergy. I would also rule out worms or giardia before I looked for hypothyriodism.
  2. I think that's a normal reaction to wearing boots before he is used to them.
  3. OMG!! YOu've adopted the reincarnation of Loca!! I hope Jack is OK.
  4. That's fantastic that Dr. Couto is there! Princess is in the best possible hands
  5. I do . My Phoenix was diagnosed with babesia shortly after I adopted him in 2002. He seemed very depressed and could barely walk across the street without needing to rest. It was very hard to get the diagnosis because I live in Canada and the offending ticks don't live here. Finally I vet who works with a local adoption group had him tested and his results were positive, plus the critters were visible in his blood. He was treated with Imizol, which needed to be imported as it wasn't available here. He's been fine ever since . I hope your boy improves very soon .
  6. Drive safely, good luck and keep us posted, OK? You have my phone number if you need anything at all
  7. I never muzzle my dogs at all breed dog parks. It leaves them defenceless. I almost always muzzle then when they are romping around with multiple greyhounds. In the beginning, I carry a muzzle with me when walking them, just in case. I muzzle Treasure whenever I'm not home because she enjoys smacking on laptop AC adaptors when they are plugged into an outlet.
  8. It's been my experience that they do ask. You just need to know what to look for. The signal can be really subtle and you may need to watch them carefully to see if you notice the subtlest change in behaviour or signal.
  9. robinw

    Gone 5 Years

    They never leave our hearts, do they
  10. I'm so sorry. I can tell by your tribute that Toby was very sweet and special
  11. Liz, I don't know much about them. I just wanted to let you know that you and Dante are in my thoughts.
  12. Hilda, I'm so sorry. I remember that day so well
  13. Welcome from sunny, tropical Kitchener! I see Kilo rides the streetcar like a pro!
  14. I've never used an online pharmacy but I found this one.
  15. Welcome! I take Phoenix and Treasure to TO for walks every once in a while, especially in my old neighbourhood of Riverdale. Lots of good dogs places in TO .
  16. Wow, Susan; everybody at once! Take it easy and kisses to Amandita, and the others, also. Keep us posted, ok?
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