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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry! Please keep us posted, ok? You both continue to be in my thoughts
  2. Please don't beat yourself up. Remember, I did the same thing but was lucky that Treasure didn't get sick. If you look up whether you can give aspirin to a dog, every website that I saw seemed to indicate that it would be fine, and I don't recall having seen any warnings about drug interactions, You did your best
  3. ugh, you've been having a hard time of it recently. Good luck!
  4. Wow, how frustrating! I so hope it's one of those things that will improve and that soon she'll be good as new. Have a safe drive tomorrow!
  5. Both you and Wendy continue to be in my thoughts
  6. Until I installed a sliding glass door to the backyard, I had the same fence problem as you. I like the snow fence suggestion. I wonder if it would be possible to attach the snow fence with something like heavy duty velcro or hooks.
  7. I agree. Try ditching the crate and see if you can find a friend to walk him during the day. I have a semi retired neighbour walk my guys for $25/week.
  8. Hope, I gasped when I read this!! I'm so happy for both you and Princess~!!!!!! What a journey this has been
  9. robinw


    From the album: My Dogs

  10. How scary! I hope Wendy continues to improve. I had something similar happen with Phoenix, but he didn't get sick. I had run out of Metacam and gave him some aspirin. When we went to the vet the next day, she wouldn't sell me more Metcam because she said that it takes a week for the aspirin to completely leave the system, and she tested his blood.
  11. I think he looks perfect in that picture.
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