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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I tether mine to the bike rack at Tim Horton's every morning. I know my dogs really well and can also keep an eye on them from inside. Everybody in the neighbourhood knows them well, also. I've tethered them outside when I've gone into Starbucks, but once again, only long enough to get my coffee and take it outside to drink. I've also been blasted here on GT for it . If it was a situation like you've described, I'd definitely go the x-pen route.
  2. What I wouldn't do for a visit from Loca or Beansy. You are all very lucky.
  3. Congratulations! I think it depends on the dog. Treasure settled in immediately, it took Phoenix about six months to get over his initial shyness (his personality is still evolving at age 11) and I'm not sure Loca ever completely got used to home living (she was a brood mama who spent lots of time on the farm) but we bonded fairly quickly. All have been wonderful!
  4. robinw

    Miss Echo

    I'm so sorry, Jenn
  5. Kim, my heart sank when I saw Rainey's name. I'm absolutely heartbroken for you and Bruce. I was so hoping that she would be able able to overcome her health issues
  6. How's it going, Dewbailey? I was hoping to find a positive update
  7. robinw

    My Brindle

    I'm so very sorry for your loss, Cacky
  8. I'm so sorry. She was really beautiful and obviously very special.
  9. Well, now I could kind of understand why he was biting. He was probably in a great deal of pain. It still would be a good idea to consult your group, vet and behaviourist for some training tips and to ensure that he is pain free.
  10. I agree 100%. The safety of your and your family has to come first.
  11. She's so cute! Congratulations!
  12. Otis, you are missed by so many. Find Loca and have a blast
  13. Wow, you, Rainey and your husband have been through so much
  14. My heart also sank when I saw Diesel's name. He was such a cool dog. I'm so sorry
  15. I'm so sorry. I remember when you adopted Basher
  16. robinw


    I'm so sorry. You've had way too much loss
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