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Everything posted by JenniferS

  1. I'm so sorry Gil. I'm sure he's running around with Dimples now
  2. Yes, I noticed the same thing, and since my boy doesn't have too many teeth he could not chew them anymore. He also has developed serious GI issues, possibly IBD. We don't know if they are the cause, but it is one of the things that had changed in his diet recently. I'm upset because I bought A LOT of it!
  3. Most groomers will also express anal glands. As long as they are not infected, it may be easier & cheaper to have a groomer do it for you.
  4. Oh no, I am so very sorry for you and Batou
  5. Thank you for all the replies. We are really restricted with what we can give him right now until we figure out the exact cause of his GI issues. No chicken, turkey, beef, etc. This morning went a little better with some of the pills, however it is the big green amoxicillan that is causing the most trouble, and I need to give him 4 pills a day. I tried the down the throat this time and he absolutely would not swallow, no matter how long I held his mouth closed and rubbed his throat. I had to stop since I think he was holding his breath! I finally shoved them down with a messy moutful of canned food but he is clearly not happy and I don't want him to stop liking the food. Sigh...are there any techs or nurses out there that want to come live with me for a few weeks?
  6. My boy just got home from the vet last night with a ton of pills, and a very strict diet. He's being treated for possible IBD along with a bunch of other things and is not interested in the food he was on and what they recommend (which is Hill's prescription d/d venison & potato). So, aside from the food issue, I cannot get the pills in him even caving in and using a different canned food for them and plain yogurt. He's as frustrated as I am at this point and he is not eating at all now. Any ideas on what is tasty but easy on the tummy I can try? Or do I just toss them down his throat? I've never done that before and it scares me that he'll choke or hate me ever coming near him again. We have several weeks of this and this is only day 1
  7. I'd love to join the Yahoo group for advice since we are looking at a possible IBD dx for my boy, but they won't accept members without a confirmed diagnosis?!?
  8. I don't want to fast him at this point since he has had the diarrhea on and off since Saturday morning and he's lost 4 lbs. Poor thing is hungry & tired. I'm going to try some white potatoes too. he's always had a very sensitive stomach and it took us a couple of foods to get him figured out; now I feel like trying different bland foods may be aggravating the situation more. His stool sample came back negative, so I really don't know what is wrong with our poor boy. He also threw up this morning. If there's no improvement by tomorrow I'm going to call the vet back. Oh and forgot to add we started the Pepcid too.
  9. We're back with another bout of diarrhea and I'm at a loss as to what to give him. While the turkey & sweet potato worked well last time, the vet thinks it may be too rich. I tried rice again, but the diarrhea continues, even though he's on the metronizadole again too. We did a stool test that came up negative. Still looking for more bland diet options if you have them. Thanks!
  10. I think you are doing the right thing by crating/containing him in these beginning stages, especially with your kitties. I have order gates from Dr. Foster & Smith before, they are good quality. Perhaps the first time you let him sleep in your bedroom you can also muzzle. The crate in the bathroom being close to your bed sounds fine. for now. Congrats on your new addition
  11. Is Phoebe a greyhound (or the dog in your picture?). If you are in Mass., consider joining us for a walk Greyhound Adventures. A lot of times reactive greys do fine with other greys walking in a "pack". We have had dogs like Phoebe join our group (my own included) and we are good about asking others to leash their dogs, or not approach if their dogs are unruly or not on-leash.
  12. First off, I want to say I'm sorry you and your family are going through this, I know how scary it can be. That being said, I commend you for seeking advice and trying to find a responsible solution, that is very refreshing! My first greyhound was space aggressive. He never bit me, but he snapped at me and others often. I was very afraid and didn't know what to do, and this was my first greyhound. I reached out to my group, had a full vet check, hired and behaviorist, and found Greytalk! You will get to hear a lot of similiar situations on here which is greyt to you know you are not alone. My situation was different since I don't have kids, but essentially along with training and extreme vigilance in all situations, I was able to live with his space agression which did get better but was never "cured". I know I may not have upheld my end of the training as well as I should have, but I also learned to respect his space and the fact that he was never going to be a "cuddly" hound. I've had three greyhounds now, the other two I could do anything to, lay down next to them and nuzzle their nose, but with my first, no way, I would've been asking to get bit. Some people will tell you it is unacceptable for any dog to snap at you, but I learned to make this work for me and my dog and we lived happily in love together for 7 years Feel free to PM if you want to chat...I could write a book!
  13. My dog battled an ecoli UTI for several months earlier this year. Many urinalysis', urine cultures and 4 separate anti-biotics later and it was finally clear. It was so frustrating, not to mention expensive and the next step would've been an ultrasound to look for something worse, so I'm so glad it didn't come to that. Hang in there, I know exactly how you feel!
  14. Thanks! I ended up giving him ground turkey & sweet potato. He also started on metronidazole tonight, so hopefully he'll start feeling better. He also threw up all his breakfast this morning, poor boy
  15. I feed Natural Balance Venison & Sweet Potato and have also noticed several inconsistancies in the last few bags. The latest is very light in color, and evemn the shape of the kibble is slightly different, so I don't know what's going on.
  16. My dog is having diarrhea most likely from the anesthesia from his dental yesterday. I am getting a precription from the vet, but in the meantime I am supposed to give his a bland diet. He has not done well in the past on foods with chicken, rice or beef in them. His food is Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Venison & Sweet Potato, he also has had Duck & Sweet Potato. While he does very wellon these foods, I don't imagine that they would be considered bland, so I'm wondering if anyone has any alernatives they could suggest?
  17. Oh Pat,I am so sorry to hear this. Tally was a very special boy. May your wonderful memories of him help to ease your pain. Thinking of you, Howard, Faye & Star....
  18. I think it really depends on the dog. I had Ducky on the Kirkland, both to save money & because I had heard so much good about it on here, & bought a Costco membership just for the dog food. However, his poop & gas were terrible on it. After trying another food that was just okay for him, we tried the Natural Balance Venison, which runs $55/28lb. bag. His poop has been soooo much better; it's worth the money. I would say try a switch gradually, but don't count on it.
  19. So glad she's home & doing well. The TP roll is a greyt idea! I've had 2 tail amputee's now, both fine with their nubs
  20. For the second time today my boy has had what can only be described as doggie hiccups. Is this possible, and more importantly, should I be worried? He seems fine otherwise, eating, drinking, pooping, peeing fine.
  21. Barbara I am so sorry. Rocky was such a special boy & I know how much you love him. Here's one of my favorite pictures, Rocky & Quiet Man, the two troublemakers of Greyhound Adventures are together again Godspeed Rocky, I love you.
  22. I've used this for years.Champion Harness Your dog can stand up or lie down. They can't really turn around too well, but they get used to it eventually. My dog is never unrestrained in the car.
  23. He was such a special, loving dog. I miss him so much too. The three of you are all so lucky to have found each other. It's so difficult to feel the pain, but so easy to feel the love and I know Safari is looking down on you with love & rooing.
  24. I use Heartgrad generic, Tri-Heart Plus. I get it from the vet. It is cheaper and have not had problemns w/ all 3 dogs on it.
  25. I'll have to post the name of the new medication when I get it, I can't remember what the vet said. I don't really think they are scamming me, I'm just frustrated and want my boy to get better. This has been going on & on and the cost of vet care is really staggering to me. I'm going to consult with Tufts for a an internal medicine/ultrasound appt. as well to try to find some answers as to why this keeps coming back.
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