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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Beautiful photo's and what an incredibly moving tribute to your special girl. The bond you had with Pearl can never be broken......she is with you in your heart.
  2. So sorry you are going through this.....it hurts I know...praying Cougar has more 'better days'. Maybe keep a daily log as a visual aid to see if bad days outweigh the good, which may help you come to terms in making any decisions.......
  3. Heartbreaking story.........and now the poor darling has to endure more pain It's just not fair..... Praying for Penny and her family.
  4. Deepest Sympathy for the loss of Maggie......So sorry.... Please pass our condolences on
  5. Thankyou on behalf of Reuben's family to everyone for your kind words. It will be a comfort to them at this time.......
  6. You're in our thoughts Pat... In rememberance of Stepper
  7. For Reuben and deepest sympathy to his family.... Our dear friends greyhound Reuben had been a little off lately not being very enthusiastic on walks. We got a text this afternoon off his mom saying that Reuben had been taken to the vets as he did not want to move at all today.......got a phone call tonight. Vets did an x-ray. It was in his lungs This wonderful hound had the most beautiful temperament you could ever wish for..... But although he was in his forever home a short while he knew real love and kindness. Run painfree darling little man ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR FRIENDS SWEET BOY REUBEN WOULD HAVE BEEN 7 YEARS OLD TODAY....... HIS MOM ASKED US TO POST THIS... 'IF YOU SEE A STAR IN THE SKY TONIGHT WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY'..... HE WAS SADLY TAKEN AWAY FROM HIS LOVING HOME WAY TOO SOON NITE NITE GOD BLESS LITTLE MAN
  8. Sorry for the loss of your precious boy....Charley
  9. Our darling Tess behaved in exactly the same way.....but we had her cataracts removed and she was put on medication for 'doggie alzheimer' but had 18 wonderful months with us before she was taken from us by a stroke.
  10. Live each day as it comes.....wish you great success with the chemo and hope you have lots more time with her..
  11. welcome we are from Cheshire, England. Our boy is a GRWE hound
  12. Just reading this.....tentative 'excitement' from here. WAY TO GO JAKE.........
  13. Condolences to the family......it is very sad news indeed...
  14. Deepest Sympathy......
  16. crazygang


    What a precious girl.....So sorry for your loss Run painfree Isis
  17. No advice.... Just wanted to say sorry you and your special boy are going through this awful situation....
  18. Completely agree with this statement. We do actually use Rescue Remedy in our house and other mixed flower essences for both hound and human......with varying success.....same as with antibiotics /or painkillers for example one type might work for one person or animal but for another not very well. I try to keep an open mind about things really......
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