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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. So deeply sorry......my heart breaks for you both. She knows she is loved find comfort in that.
  2. Deeply sorry for your loss......
  3. So very sorry your precious girl had to leave you...... Her last moments on earth were peaceful and she knew she was loved I'm sure.
  4. Our hearts go out to you right now.....what a terrible time you're having.....on top of worrying about Pearl's and Diamonds health and well being. Wish things were better for you all....
  5. Another beautiful young greyhound lost to horrid osteosarcoma....how I hate cancer Run free Ozzie
  6. So very sorry for your loss
  7. Poor girlie......Run free Brooke.... Condolences to you for her loss
  8. Pretty girl.......Happy 'bridge' Birthday.....
  9. Deeply sorry for your loss..........Fly free little Blitzen birdie
  10. Hope Wilbur is comfortable......and it's a good day...
  11. Deepest Sympathy.....so sorry for your loss...
  12. So sorry.......beautiful Sarah....
  13. So very sorry for the loss of your beloved hounds......loosing two so close together must be devastating. I can't even begin to feel what you are going through right now.
  14. Deeply sorry for the loss of your beloved Mother..... Glad you were able to help another family's grief.
  15. Oh how awful....that's just devastating news!!! Our hearts go out to you for the loss of Chance.
  16. So sorry for your loss...how tragic...
  17. Beautiful girl......so sorry for your loss
  18. It's heartbreaking....So very sad for you both for the loss of your precious boy Run free Smiley
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