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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Fantastic. Congratulations all round he's gorgeous
  2. Hello and welcome! We're from England too.
  3. So sorry for your loss..........the time you shared with Apollo was very special.
  4. crazygang


    Deeply sorry for your loss.....sadly you lost him twice in life....once through divorce and now in death.... {Hugs}
  5. Rest in peace Sally.... Deepest Sympathy to those who loved her
  6. Beautiful tribute to your special boy so sorry he had to leave you....... Rest easy Wilbur....precious one
  7. So deeply sorry for your loss.......peace be with you Run free Cougar
  8. crazygang


    Run free beautiful Annie.....
  9. Hoping Bobbi is more comfortable today. Any news?
  10. What a sweet precious boy he is........lovely photo's thanks for sharing. I hope and pray he gets well soon.
  11. Adding to the prayers for Penny and Karen.....let there be something that can be done
  12. If the leg is warm to the touch and a bit swollen it can't do any harm to use a bag of frozen peas on the area. Best not to leave it on the spot for too long, do it intermittantly resting inbetween. Sending our very best wishes.
  13. The poor darling........I started reading at first and my heart sunk anticipating the worst.....thank goodness he is recovering. Sending healing prayers for Paco.
  14. crazygang

    Wilbur ....

    Oh no.....Handsome lovely boy....Run free Wilbur poor baby. Please pass our condolences on....such sad news!
  15. Yes that's right Holly. I remember reading somewhere here on GT that someone had successful results with it.... The vet has said the corn should not reappear especially as the ligaments have been made stronger by the laser treatment and he is now walking correctly on that toe. As I said walking correctly due to stronger ligaments should ensure the corn would not reappear. Laser would only remove the 'said' corn without invasive hulling. Good luck lanielovesgreys for your greyhound in whatever treatment you use......
  16. Food for thought to investgate........... We recently heard something of interest about a hound that had Laser treatment on one of his front toes. This greyhound originally had a toe amputated not because of a corn but an infection caused by a grass seed that entered his toe from the soft part at the back of the toe. (It caused a nasty infection in the bone joint and was only seen by chance by the vet.) Since then his other toe on the other foot which has a corn too became painful around the nail and the nail started to lift upwards just like the other toe had. The owners fearing the worst and thinking "not again" he went in for an X-ray to discover the toe joints were quite okay this time, no crumbling at all much to their relief. The vet however thought why he was getting pain and why he developed corns was perhaps due to the ligaments in his toes, they were making his lower toe joint bend sideways instead of being straight, hence making him walk differently on the pad of his toe and so causing corns. The hound in question has had four lots of laser treatment on his toe and he no longer has pain in his toe and guess what.........the treatment is shrinking the corn. There is hope that the laser will completely make the corn disappear, the vet advises it should completely disappear. There is one more treatment to go on the ligaments of his toe and if the corn hasn't disappeared completely by then, they will continue once a month in the hopes it will disappear all together.......so here's hoping!!! The vet has said the corn should not reappear especially as the ligaments have been made stronger by the laser treatment and he is now walking correctly on that toe.
  17. Continued well wishes for Wilbur.....he's such a handsome boy.
  18. Such a shame.....RIP Zoe The poor darling. So sorry for your loss...........
  19. Hello and welcome We are from the UK too.
  20. Truly sorry for your loss......
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