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  • Birthday 06/23/1982

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Jr Grey lover

Jr Grey lover (5/9)

  1. I went with smaller dogs after all of my dogs passed. It was just so much easier to take care of them at the end stages, and I'm not getting any younger. Will so miss having my bigger dogs but being alone and having an aging relative here with me makes it tougher. These will probably be my last dogs for a long time b/c of my work schedule. I have someone available to care for them while I work long hours, and should be here for their lifetimes. Good luck with your search. My brother and sister in law have beagles, and they love them. There are so many people who have an affinity for them.
  2. So sorry. I let my baby go 9/28 also. It's rough. Too bad they can't stay longer.
  3. Thanks,everyone. She went very fast, which according to the vet was a sign it was time for her to go. Made me feel somewhat better, somewhat worse. It's definitely very sad and the house is a little more empty.
  4. I am letting her go today at 4:00pm. I thought I would post in advance. This has been so hard. I will miss her so much.
  5. Glad I don't have to deal with harnessing dogs everyday. That is a chore around here, lol. Mine associate harnesses with "car ride" time and get instantly, uncontrollably wiggly. Cookie can be very "grumbly" about getting up for the last night pee. We usually have to urge her vocally to get up and give her some encouragement.
  6. I use it on my basset hound for her lyme disease/hip issues. She has a lot of lameness, and nothing else touches it. My vet requires that she gets a blood test every 6 months, however, to keep taking it. I hate having to use it but it does seem to work really well for her.
  7. I haven't logged in awhile either. I decided to log in tonight since I had the weekend off and some free time. Welcome back!
  8. I just finally caught that in their post! My bad, lol. I hate the marking thing so I guess that's why I'm so anti leg lifting.
  9. I'm not sure why you would care if they lifted their leg or not. I think it's best they didn't b/c then it seems they like to lift on furniture, walls, etc. My males mostly squat. I did have one "marker" but for the most part, this household mostly squats, lol.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to believe life will ever "be the same" without them. Thank you for sharing her moments with us.
  11. Cookie in one of her Bow Wow Bonnets. She was in a Little League World Series parade. So sad to hear of Donna's passing. I remember perusing her hat website and how pretty they all were.
  12. I'll always remember the Jilly stories and photos. It's hard to believe it's been that long. Never forgotten!
  13. So sorry for your loss. I find myself doing the same thing after I lost my dachshund back in May. It was traumatic. I hope you find some peace.
  14. September

    Darby Hill

    So sorry for your loss. 🐾🐶
  15. I lost my dachshund back in May and finally made a remembrance thread a couple months ago. It's tough. I felt like I needed to do it for closure. I kept putting it off bc then it felt like he was officially "gone". It was therapeutic, though, so I hope this feels the same for you. I don't know if they ever really completely leave us, and I feel like we will all meet again. I couldn't imagine not knowing his soul again. So sorry for your loss.
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