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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Scroll down on this page, there's a full list of grey-safe products: http://grassmereanimalhospital.com/other_greyhound_things.htm Although I don't hear of many folks using it, my vet strongly recommends the newish Advantage Multi as broader spectrum and more effective than anything else out there. Yes, my understanding is that you are supposed to get an annual heartworm test before getting a refill on heartworm meds even if your dog has been on them. It's supposed to be prescription, even if there are ways about that.
  2. I'm with the people who say don't feed anything you don't feed your dogs normally. Big D during a trip would NOT be fun. And I would never ever feed anything from Beneful. I've heard commercial soft food in pouches is full of sugar and additives and just terribly unhealthy.
  3. Thank you for your update -- that is wonderful news, and I'm glad you're so happy with Stella. I'm impressed too with how quickly your cats have become confident around her despite their earlier experience. All best wishes too that Caroline finds the family meant for her.
  4. Am I correct in thinking there is probably a similar protocol change now for cats? I have been vaccinating my now 14-year-old indoor-only cat forever, and now realize that that is almost certainly ridiculous. She's due for shots now but I want to take a pass.
  5. Thanks for posting this -- the FW dogs made me think about it too. I titered Beth instead of vaccinating her for the first this summer. If you're not vaccinating, doing a titer (though I understand it's far from perfectly reliable) does give you some reasonable assurance they're protected, right?
  6. At first I did it in my tiny yard, but that was a pain (we don't use it regularly, no easy access), and no good in the winter. Now I do it in Beth's crate, with a large towel spread over the business end of things.
  7. She does look happy! My girl loves going to the vet's office too. I've never seen a vet's office selling Pro Plan before.
  8. I don't have any knowledge about the skin thing (I think JillysFullHouse gives you excellent advice), but I wanted to say Jack is just adorable! And welcome to GreyTalk.
  9. My vet tells me to fast Beth until 24 hours after the last incident of D. I don't always keep to that perfectly, but I think you'd be doing the right thing to wait. I add chicken broth to water to make sure Beth drinks plenty when she's fasting.... sometimes give her a little yogurt so her stomach isn't completely empty.
  10. Hi Brooke, I'm in Iowa too -- didn't think I realized you were (whereabouts?). It's definitely crazy humid out. We walk (and run off leash -- well Beth does!) early in the morning, before 8:00, ideally before 7:00. Got out later this morning and it was definitely hotter than comfortable by 8:45 or so. I do take Beth out for brief walks midday and around 5:00 because those are her potty times, but we keep it to a couple of blocks and in the shade as much as possible, and minimize walking on dark street pavement, hustling across it when there's no alternative (the paler concrete of sidewalks stays much cooler!) -- I'm fortunate to live on a tree-lined boulevard with a grassy median that is an ideal place to walk in hot weather. We walk a little longer around 9:00 at night for "last call," but Beth is pretty lazy then. So really she's getting one "big" walk/exercise time now when she usually gets two (another longer one in the late afternoon/early evening), but we do walk ... I'm pretty fanatical about keeping a routine as much as possible and keeping her in condition. She cools off quite readily once we get back in the air-conditioned house. By the way, seeing the fuzzy-coated pups running around on their farms in Abilene with the temps in the 90s during Greyhound America gave me a new perspective on greyhounds and hot weather. I am careful, but I'm realizing that some panting doesn't mean they're about to expire.
  11. Oh no, how terrible! Sending good thoughts to Isis and will be checking in later.
  12. Yikes, just checking in. Also, didn't you just start him on thyroid meds a couple of days ago? I'd think about stopping those in case he's having some kind of reaction to the hormone or the fillers -- not that likely, but I'd want to eliminate it as a variable.
  13. None. Beth was at a good weight when I got her and I've carefully kept it in line since. She averages about two pounds above her racing weight as listed online.
  14. Do you have a Tractor Supply anywhere around? They carry TOTW. Not saying anything one way or the other about the food you link to (though it's got grain and is not, of course, a fish-based food like the Pacific Stream that works well for a lot of us; it has a real array of protein sources which is more like the High Prairie than Pacific Stream), but if you're wanting to try TOTW it's not hard to get.
  15. OMG! That's a new one. How frustrating. Can you get a promise that if you need to have surgery done on it again they'll do it for free or something? Love the Van Gogh siggie, btw!
  16. PrairieProf


    I am so very sorry.
  17. Ouchie ouchie but glad it's nothing you have to think dark worrisome thoughts about. As we say in my family about injuries like that, "it's a long way from [his] heart."
  18. Oh poor boy, and poor humans. Hope the acupuncture and any other measures resolve it quickly!
  19. I don't know, but you can order it online if you can't find it. Do you have PetSmart stores there? I know they carry it.
  20. I'd tried the gel on occasion before, but after the raves here I have started using the spray daily for several weeks, once or twice per day, in addition to my daily brushing of Beth's teeth and feeding raw bones. I'm impressed! She never had much tartar but her back teeth were getting a little dingy on the side of her mouth where she has a malocclusion and doesn't really chew . . . they look cleaner and whiter now! But she definitely doesn't like the stuff -- not hard to spray it in, but then she sulks away and flops down on her bed looking peeved. When I use the gel, I put some on a toothbrush. The spray is definitely easier -- just lift a lip and aim!
  21. Where was the dog before? Sounds like he had a thick farm coat and is shedding it now. See the top left "before" picture here for a perfectly healthy "molting" greyhound: http://www.qcgreyhoundadoption.org/little_bear
  22. Beth sometimes whines when she sees people in the distance she can't get over to ... she knows they really want to pet her, you know. Going to a store like Petsmart can be a way to meet other dogs. Or participating in a greyhound Meet & Greet. Or doing a training class or other dog-oriented activities -- I think dogs get more out of this in terms of socialization and learning to pay attention despite distractions than they would with an in-home trainer. You could have the trainer for a session or two then go to a class (we went through Advanced at PetSmart and it was fine!).
  23. Just seeing this ... ouchie! Glad he's getting better. Beau Beau, your mom doesn't need any more tsuris, take it easy.
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