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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Sending good thoughts to Merlin! At least it should be a quick, simple procedure. Beth hasn't had anesthesia yet since coming to me and I know I'll be nervous too when the time comes.
  2. Josie is very cute, and I love the action shot of her running! Congratulations and welcome to GT!
  3. The town where I'm staying at present had its fireworks Friday night (about two miles away) -- Beth raised her head for a couple of seconds when they started but that was it. The annoying private ones having been going for several days and will continue for some time -- they interfere with my sleep more than the dog's. I know how lucky I am, and send best wishes to others.
  4. What a sweet and beautiful girlie! Love her spotted nose. Congratulations from another of the white and brindle crew.
  5. Aw, Calieb is gorgeous! (Not that I'm at all partial to super spotty white and brindle houndies as you'll see from my signature ) He looks very sweet too. Glad he's adjusting well! Welcome to GT and to being a greyhound mom -- I was a brand new one two summers ago. (BTW to get pictures on here you need to post the IMG code for each pic from an online hosting site.)
  6. I also brush every single night. I don't think once a week would do much at all ... plaque turns to tartar in about 48 hours, I think I've read. I also have tried various gels, chews, powders -- Beth has genetically very good teeth for a greyhound, but I'm committed to keeping them that way. Yeah, probably a touch obsessed... I don't even floss my own teeth. As many will also attest, feeding raw meaty bones like turkey necks several times a week arguably does as much or more than brushing. There are a zillion threads here talking about that if it's a new notion to you.
  7. I'm sorry for your loss -- so wish you'd had more time with that sweet man. Clearly he qualified as an honorary greyhound!
  8. I feed Beth mostly-frozen RMBs several times a week like Chad -- in her crate (closed) on a towel now; I used to do it outside. She is definitely in the "no paws on the raw" category in either location (I read that phrase here once and enjoyed it!). Her mouth area stays completely clean too. Really the only time I have to wash her face is when I do a messy job in her nightly tooth-brushing -- sometimes I get toothpaste on her lips!
  9. Actually, studies and people's experiences show that bloat can come from many things and from no discernible factors at all. There's a whole article about it in the brand new Celebrating Greyhounds magazine, in fact. Running after eating is obviously a bad idea, but many many dogs have unfortunately gotten bloat and torsion without a single recognizable risk factor -- two I know personally (not greys) within the last month or so, unfortunately.
  10. What a cute baby cowgirl! Congratulations!
  11. Just another person with a very similar experience with a grey as my first dog. Well, Beth has chewed a bit on occasion, but she loves her crate so we've just kept using that when I'm out. No separation anxiety, no problems with being an only dog, no thunderphobia, no weird fears, she loves everyone she meets. We've been to the vet a good bit in the close to two years I've had her but it's mostly because I'm a nervous/neurotic mommy who gets every little thing checked -- Beth has been perfectly healthy except for a few passing tummy incidents and some minor skin bumps.
  12. Wow, I can't help but say that I really don't think that's fair to the cats, who were there first. After two months Caroline is that much more important to you than them? As a lifelong cat person I hate how cats seem to automatically rank lower in people's priorities than a dog -- even though I love my dog and would also have been heartbroken to have to return her.
  13. Welcome again! I'm glad you've joined! I met Cami and Calvin and their parents at Greyhound America, and Cami has the teeniest little face and hugest ears of any greyhound I've seen -- she is just adorable! Calvin is very sweet and handsome too.
  14. My vet, who is very cutting-edge and prides himself on offering the most advanced medicine in the area, swears the new Advantage Multi (topical) is superior to anything else on the market (especially in how well it gets other worms--whips I think--maybe not specifically in heartworm protection per se). I have checked on greyhound sites and it is definitely approved for greyhounds. Using a topical is much nastier than a pill but I don't want less than the best for my dog so I go with his recommendation. Before that, he prescribed Sentinel. Scroll down to the bottom here for an approved list for greyhounds: http://grassmereanimalhospital.com/other_greyhound_things.htm
  15. I am so sorry. Tetley is beautiful -- what a sweet and happy face.
  16. I'm so sorry. . . I remember your post after you brought her home. So unfair not to get more time with her, but the pictures show she had an absolutely wonderful year with you.
  17. Welcome to GT! Lucie is gorgeous, I love her dark face. You are in for many wonderful experiences and adventures with her. I brought my girl home at age 2.5 a little less than two years ago so I can really relate -- and yes, the greyhound community is wonderful and provides a lot of fun and enrichment to one's life!
  18. I am so sorry for your loss, but happy for the long life Lucy shared with you. :f_white
  19. That's a great report (well not as a pleasant overnight experience)! I think Beth would have been the same way, though she's never been in a tent. It's a big relief, isn't it? Can't wait to see pics of Jayne cozied down in her home away from home!
  20. Looks like possibly a sebaceous cyst to me. Beth had several, then after about five months they went away ... just recently she's developed another. She didn't really lose hair around it except from my picking at it ... they can tend to ooze a bit and get crusty, and fluctuate slightly in size. But I get all bumps vet checked to be on the safe side.
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