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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. PrairieProf


    I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful boy. f_yellow
  2. Susan, I'm just getting back after Greyhound America and catching up here. I'm so very sorry to hear about Wizard. You will be in my thoughts.
  3. Walking Beth tonight, I realized too that I was very involved with horses when I was younger, and you always keep a horse to your right when you're leading her, etc.. So that is what feels natural to me -- having a sizable animal on my left just feels like the "wrong side"!
  4. Makes sense, I guess. To me, though, it makes even more sense that my dominant (i.e., right) hand is used for holding onto the leash. I agree! When I brought Beth home -- my first greyhound and first dog -- there was no question but that I wanted my dominant hand holding the leash! There's nothing else I could be doing with my hands as important as that! So I got her used to walking on my right, and I still feel much safer that way. It's fine since I have no plans to compete in obedience with her. And it now feels most natural to pick up poop with my left hand, of course!
  5. Oh thank goodness!! I came on especially to check for an update. All my hopes for quick and lasting improvement! Have you considered acupuncture for Elsie? Beth had a neck problem last summer and since many folks here recommended it and my vet does it, we gave it a try, and it did really seem to help fix it quickly.
  6. Oy vey. I'm so sorry. Sending good thoughts for the x-rays and Elsie and will be checking back in later!
  7. Folks, this dog has normal morning poop, so I think some of you are rather inserting the assumption that Badger has food issues.
  8. I'm glad he's doing OK so far. I do think you need to get a picture of him with a cherry-popsicle-pink tongue, though!
  9. I think that's pretty normal, unfortunately. After the morning poop, the consistency here entirely depends on how long it's been since the last one, and the afternoon/early evening "installment" is always mushier than the morning. It is also universal that in a series of poops done on a walk they get progressively worse. One solid poop per 8 hours seems entirely predictable, and you may never be able to "fix" it with food or additive changes. Some folks here have recommended carrying some newspaper or a paper plate and holding it under to catch the loose ones. I don't see much purpose though in feeding a grain-free food and adding oats -- that sort of defeats the purpose! You might want to give TOTW Pacific Stream a try -- I think that's the firmest-poop variety for a lot of dogs. Or just get rid of the oats and see if it really makes a difference. Or, eventually, try something else. It took many of us quite a few tries to find the best food for our dogs, and Badger is still very new.
  10. My friend who lives by San Diego's dog beach (not fenced) sees greys there not infrequently, but I can't give any more detail. I used to fantasize about it, but now that I know Beth I can't quite picture it. Many dogs tend to "stay where the action" is (waterside, with other dogs) but even at the dog park Beth often wanders off into the far reaches alone for part of the time. I also don't trust her with small running dogs. If she was a velcro sort of greyhound, maybe. She understands recall when she's in a not-too-exciting place and sort of gets that we're playing the recall game (practicing it as training, usually with very good treats involved), BUT in a new and stimulating environment any thought of listening to me pretty much goes out the window, at least to date. We still work on it though. I like the idea of a whistle!
  11. For what it's worth, I recently read this Best Friends article that makes the case that it is in fact very hard for FIV to be passed between cats and there's a lot of prejudice against having them adopted. http://www.bestfriends.org/theanimals/petcare/cats_fiv.cfm But I confess I probably wouldn't want my cats exposed. I guess as the cat is brand new and you don't sound really attached yet, I'd also be tempted to decide he's not "dog safe" and back out of the deal.
  12. Wow, she is stunning! Please please post more pics of her ASAP!!
  13. What a great update! So happy he's getting better and better!
  14. Wellness is considerably more expensive than TOTW, I believe, so getting onto that doesn't seem the economical route, even if you have some freebies to start off. I'd vote for TOTW, especially the Pacific Stream -- least allergenic and has worked so well for so many dogs.
  15. I thought that too, but forgot to put it in my post. Unless she is quite active, I would cut down on the the food. If she needs weight put on, seach for higher calorie foods in smaller amounts. Over feeding kibble can cause tons of pooping. BTDT. I recently met a small but very active boy named Bentley. He ate more than my "big" dogs, but was tiny. However, after spending the morning with him, I understood. He is one of those greys that is always on the move, hopping around and I could tell his mom walked him a lot. Mine are much less active, as am I! My 75 pound boy gets 4 cups a day to TOTW. Same for the skinny 70 pound girl. Tempe is around 65 pounds and only gets 3 cups a day, and I just cut her back this morning to 2 and 1/2. She is starting to look thick. I also share one small can of food between all 4 dogs per meal, which is twice a day. The canned food is high calorie to put weight on my skinny girl, and she gets most of it. I also use it to hide Tempe's pills, that's how I get her to take them without any troubles. Another here noting the food issue (though of course that isn't causing her anxiety!). My 59-pound girl, who is pretty active, gets 2 and 2/3 cups of TOTW (Pacific Stream) per day.
  16. I am so sorry Quilty didn't have more time to enjoy the good life with you. I loved reading about her though, and it's a happy thing that her memory will always be cherished. :f_red (I don't usually use the red flowers, but I think a Queen deserves no less.)
  17. Welcome to GT! Copper looks SUPER handsome; I hope you'll post many more pics in the future!
  18. Your phrasing also implies that all/most racing greyhounds have phobias, which is in no way the case! Many are perfectly confident in all situations; I don't think I've ever seen Beth afraid of anything, though she's been startled on occasion. Jackie is very beautiful -- does anyone know what she's mixed with? Hard to get an idea in the picture.
  19. So sorry for your loss. . . . though I never knew her, I know I'll never forget about Jewel.
  20. Just seeing this as well -- glad for the encouraging update but you both will be in my thoughts!
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