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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. The flashlight is a good idea! Only, with one hand holding the clippers, and one hand holding the paw/toe, what hand holds the light??
  2. I use a clipper, and I find I can do a much better job of seeing what I'm doing and being careful about not hitting the quick when my dog is lying down and passed out, as opposed to standing up. (And I make sure I have the styptic right at hand and open in case I need it -- I rarely do, but not having it at the ready is tempting fate!) But I'm no expert at all, and may well buy a dremel some day. I'm very careful about not removing too much, but I try to clip every week or two.
  3. PrairieProf

    S Go Unruly

    I am so sorry. I hadn't heard of Rudy's situation before. What a beautiful, beautiful boy (and that sideways-flopped ear! ). He looks really, truly happy -- I'm so glad he knew that, and so sorry he had to leave so soon.
  4. I tried this and she hasn't shown any interest in peanut butter or the Kong. I even put a little cheese in it (her favorite!), but she just sniffed it and turned up her nose. Well, I don't have too much experience with this, but I'd still put the cheese in if she likes that and leave it in the crate with her -- maybe, being new and stressed, she just needs a little "alone time" with the Kong to get it figured out. Dogs will disregard treats when they're tense or distracted by other things.
  5. Are you giving her something like a stuffed Kong in the crate? With really desirable filling, like peanut butter? In the crate is the only time Beth gets PB, and she runs right into it whenever she knows its time or hears me take it out of the freezer (she's not new, this routine has been going on a long time). She needs a positive association with going in the crate, not just being confined or having you leave.
  6. I am so sorry for the loss of beautiful Mokka. :f_white
  7. I have no personal knowledge of any of this, but I'm really sorry you and Hero are going through it, I know how scared and stressed I'd feel all alone with that happening to my dog.
  8. Welcome (officially) to GT! I look forward to hearing more about your hounds!
  9. I'd definitely think about acupuncture too if you can find a vet who does it. It's helped so many greyhounds with back or neck injuries (including mine).
  10. I am so sorry for your loss, but I loved hearing about Simon's long and happy life. That coronation pic is so sweet. "Vanilla Bob" :f_white
  11. Something that sounds rather similar happened to another hound I know after a bunch of running and playing at a greyhound playdate and it seemed to be a muscle spasm in her neck -- some massaging and she seemed fine after.
  12. Happy Sunday Roscoe, you're looking great! Have a wonderful day!
  13. Oh how exciting! I saw his pic and info on the QCGA site and thought he looked really cute. I want to hear all about him and how he's adjusting to home life! And how special and wonderful that you were able to bring him home so soon . . . I hope he brings you much comfort and joy.
  14. What a great morning update! Sending good thoughts for continued improvement and delumpification.
  15. So glad she's OK! I was hoping it was just feeling "blah" from the anesthesia etc. Cerenia is the name of the anti-nausea med she got injected.
  16. Oh no! Just reading about all of this. What a scary, stressful thing to be going through for both of you. Sending all good thoughts for a positive outcome....
  17. Just seeing this now . . . I am so sorry for your loss. :f_white
  18. The warm weather seems hardest on them when it first comes on -- Beth got overheated very easily last spring, but less so in the summer. Just like people, they need a chance to acclimate to the change in temperatures. Just let Reggie take it easy and I bet by June he won't even notice 60 degrees. I do notice my girl gets less energetic about 70-75, though.
  19. Great news, especially about Beau! Hope you can enjoy a happy and healthy spring and have fun with your pack!
  20. Depending on where you live I'd say: you ain't seen nothin' yet!
  21. Some of us don't have big yards and pretty much have to use the dog park so our dogs can run, so I don't find the categorical "never" and alarmist tone all that helpful as global statements. It doesn't seem like much of a life if a dog never gets to play with other dogs. There's no living without some element of risk; you just have to try to be very vigilant and minimize it. Beth has had wonderful times playing with a couple of other medium to large, confident dogs. HOWEVER, I would say: no, don't muzzle unless all are muzzled, only go at non-busy times, and I would NOT let my grey off with little dogs. You might want to wait until you know your grey a bit better, too.
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