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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Yeah, it was definitely cheapest for me at Amazon, plus I have free shipping there.
  2. Sounds entirely normal to me. I often have to bribe Beth off the bed with yogurt to get her up for a walk! And she almost never bothers to come out of the crate right off when I get home and open it -- she has to finish her snooze first. The only time she gets really animated in the house is around 4:30-5:00 p.m. when she's eager for her afternoon outing, especially if I'm on the computer then. After dinner, she's in a coma for the rest of the evening until I rouse her for a final pee-call. But she's perfectly happy and social, and even sometimes rowdy once she's outside doing something.
  3. Petzlife oral care spray might be just the ticket for you ... lots of us here have seen great results from it. All you'd need to do is press the top of a small spray bottle 4-5 times. I do raw bones (no fake/processed dental bones), brush, use Petzlife ... not all on the same day! but at a minimum I either brush or use Petzlife every single night before bed. When I adopted Beth I was told (via the vet who'd done her dental) that she had exceptionally good teeth for a greyhound, and I've been diligent (many might say obsessed) about keeping them good. I've had her 2+ years and she's very far from needing a dental any time soon.
  4. PrairieProf


    Larry, the most beautiful and sweet senior boy. f_yellow
  5. I know it's considered a good quality food (it IS Eagle Pack, though they may have taken that out of the name; used to be EPHS) . . . one I'd have definitely tried if it was available around here, before I found TOTW. I have a friend in another state who feeds the Duck & Oatmeal to her dog.
  6. The hard, powdery part is the more-or-less digested bone. The runny part is the upset-tummy poop. This too shall pass, almost certainly.
  7. Welcome! I'm looking forward to seeing Harley with some Utah scenery!
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  9. Oh no, what terribly sad news to come home to. I too will never forget Larry.
  10. Welcome! Hermes is a cutie! Beth was my first dog too . . . got her two Augusts ago.
  11. Beth chewed a dog book early on in our time together too -- one a colleague gave me as a gift, called "What Is Your Dog Thinking?" She chewed "Greyhounds for Dummies" too now that I think of it. My only real comment/suggestion is . . . this is why crates are a good idea. After 2+ years I still crate Beth when I go out. Partly because she is calm and secure in the crate, partly because it 100% protects my cat, but especially because I know she has a tendency to chew stuff if she can find it when left unattended -- books and items possibly more dangerous to her. I've never quite been able to imagine dog-proofing to a sufficient degree and staying consistent about it (I'm a college prof and tend to have books scattered all over!), so I keep on with the crate. Of course, I'm flexible enough with my time that she rarely has to stay in for more than 4 1/2 hours at a go.
  12. Checking in on Larry, and so glad to hear positive news!
  13. Oh no. I am so horribly sorry. I haven't posted a lot but I've loved Larry along with everyone else. So unfair that he doesn't get more time to be loved in your family.
  14. Oh Kristin, I am so very sorry for this sudden awful turn of events. You'll be in my thoughts.
  15. I don't think pain pills would do much for cuts, anyway -- you'd take aspirin or ibuprofen as a human for muscle soreness or an injury like that, but not for a cut. Next time you're at your vet you might see if you could get some Deramaxx to keep on hand -- I like having a few for insurance.
  16. Hope DeeDee's feetsies are OK! Doesn't look bad at all to me. FWIW, you can get Bag Balm at Walgreens, with the human moisturizers, if you don't want to wait!
  17. I order it online as we don't have upscale pet food stores that carry it here. But if you have a Petco they carry a product called In Clover Fresh Digest that has identical ingredients.
  18. You order a coat with a slit made in the appropriate spot for the harness/leash attachment. Any coat maker should be able to do this. I'd think putting the harness over the coat would be doable in a pinch but far from an easy or ideal solution, especially with a heavy winter coat. Or if you could stand it, you could cut a slit in an existing coat yourself. I did this on one of several hand-me-down fleece coats I have (I use a harness sometimes, not predominately).
  19. I agree about changing the food -- if the dog's diet agrees with her, she's not going to have terrible gas or much gas ever at all. A digestive enzyme like Prozyme (or Fresh Digest, available at Petco) might be a good idea too -- helps break down the macronutrients and is supposed to help eliminate gas. I use it for my dog regularly because I think it may have some health benefits, even though she does great on TOTW -- I started it when I was still trying to find the right food for her, but I've kept it up.
  20. I am so sorry for your loss. What a very beautiful and amazingly youthful-looking girl Aggie was! And what a peaceful end. None of us could wish for better for our hounds.
  21. I noticed Beth sits spontaneously when she's on a hill facing downward. How I finally taught her to sit after struggling for some weeks when we were in a beginner class was to go out on leash and position her on a slope, and then ask for the sit with the standard motion (treat moving backwards over her head). She got it very quickly then, and within a day or two had generalized to doing it on flat ground, indoors, etc. This method worked for at least one other person on GT after I recommended it!
  22. Yeah, Beth does the automatic sit too when she thinks a treat might be in the offing -- with me and with others.
  23. Just a silly little brag because I know greyhound folks will appreciate it.... Today was the last day of a fairly informal training class Beth and I have been doing, called Puppy Paws Around Town -- a mixture of exposing dogs to different environments (very easy for us as I take Beth all over anyway) and doing some intermediate training exercises/games. We did a game of Musical Hoops -- a bunch of hula hoops were laid out on the ground and we circled around, when the music stopped you had to get your dog in a sit-stay inside a hoop. We had five dogs, and Beth won! She really is an excellent sitter, at least when high-value treats are in the offing. Admittedly she's older than the other dogs there and has been through more training classes . . . and I confess my competitive side came out and we stuck closer to the hoops than some other people so I didn't get caught hoopless! But it means something to me when my greyhound can win a sitting game. (The other dogs were a Boxer/GSD mix, a Lab, a Schnauzer, and a Shih-tzu.)
  24. Beth doesn't chatter audibly but she does vibrate -- I don't recall her doing it when she was new, but she definitely does it now. I get so many "Aww, she's shivering" comments now that the weather's cooler, and am constantly telling folks nope, she's not cold, she's just excited.
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