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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Just back from seeing the specialist. He has aggressively increased her Enalapril and Amlodipine. We are to go back next week for him to check her BP again and see if it has lowered. When asked about the dental extractions that I have scheduled, he said he would not suggest that right now... When we discussed the 87 day life expectancy found when one researches PLN, he said numbers were not the focus and she is already well past that 87 day mark. I pointed out that we could look at that as a bad thing. He did say that her weight is good, her body is in good shape, and her muscle tone is good. She is only 9.5 years old. I am nowhere near ready to lose her. He is going to set up a plan and speak with my regular vet and for us to manage this. I want to know that we have time ahead of us to manage.
  2. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Bod.
  3. My heart just dropped when I saw Zeke's name. Too much for you this year. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Zeke.
  4. Aquitaine had her spleen removed in December. There was a mass in it that was larger than a softball. As I learned, there are apparently (at least) three types of masses -- cancerous, blood clot, and fat -- and you want it to be fat. Second choice would be blood clot. Aquitaine's was fat and the biopsy was benign. I couldn't get a second opinion due to the mass but I did have my best friend the doctor with me, and my own vet spoke with the emergency vet and surgeon and concurred with the removal. In our case there was no option but to remove it. Aquitaine was in the ICU for 3 nights, one of which was the night I brought her in as it was not deemed safe to load her into a car two more times in case the mass burst. Aquitaine came home with blood pressure meds as it was determined that her BP is high, and she now takes a Zantac every day. She healed well. The only problem we had with her healing was that the surgeon used staples rather than stitches and she did not, at all, like the removal. It took three separate attempts to remove them all. She has had stitches removed before with no issue at all.
  5. Maybe some Neem spray would work for Larry. It sprays on, is non-toxic and pretty pleasant smelling. Link I got it when Aquitaine first came to me because she got a rash on the back of her thighs that I thought was bug bites. It cleared it right up. I now use it whenever we leave the city as a flea/tick repellant. It was worked great for us. It is supposed to work for flies and bites as well.
  6. If it calms you at all, my first girl, Scarlett was addicted to the NutriSystem lemon wafers. Whenever I would open that bag, she would be right there looking for one. She lived to 19.5. I am not saying that Maddie should eat it often, but a small bite is unlikely to do damage.
  7. I don't know anything about wolf spiders aside from the fact that I run from spiders. A bite makes sense as something that would both hurt and upset Larry. Today sound like a good day so fingers crossed that those add up for him.
  8. I, too, have tears running down my face. My heart breaks for you and your partner. You gave Macho more love in a year than many, many dogs will ever get in their lives. You fit in so much in your time together. Hold on to that. Macho knew he was loved beyond measure. Godspeed, Macho Man.
  9. No advice, just lots of hugs and good thoughts. Don't beat yourself up about "causing" this. You didn't. Even if it is food related, it would have reared its ugly head at some point in time.
  10. Cosequin does seem to be available in the UK. Here is a link to several options on Amazon.co.UK. Link
  11. Thanks for the update! Hoping for good update from the vet.
  12. Lots of good thoughts for Isaach and hugs for you.
  13. Breathing deep for you as I am an alarmist who forgets to breathe when my girl is hurting. Holding good thoughts for Larry.
  14. Great update. Keeping Bullitt and his brother in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. Sounds like a great update for Bullitt. I hope he gets to go home soon! I hope all is well for the little Bean, too! Interesting that you have a Bullitt sibling near enough to know that there might be another option/dx.
  16. So very happy to hear that things have turned for the better for Tristan.
  17. No clue at all aside from wondering if there has been spraying near you and you are right about his getting a "bad fly". Can your vet do a phone consult with you?
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