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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Jen, Aquitaine is remarkable. She is such a sweetie. I have to laugh when I remember Carolyn telling me that her foster family said she had dominance issues. Well, she did try to mount me every so often but I honestly just found that to be hilarious, not at all dominant. She sings, she has the happiest tail in town and is an all around joy. They also warned me that she likes to lick wood, well, I finally gave in after multiple bare spots on my hard wood floors, art deco buffet, art deco cocktail cabinets and numerous areas of my walls and do muzzle her during the day. Aside from that, she is just perfect. Now if she would just roach...
  2. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Isabella.
  3. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way.
  4. Keeping Canyon and his humans in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. I am so happy to hear that Maggie will do so well!!!!!
  6. I am so sorry that you and your pup are going through that. I completely understand your being sad and disappointed. I would personally want to choke the darn vet for not being responsible or caring enough to call you even if they had to do so after hours. There is no reason at all to keep that dog in pain, they should give you answers. I will continue to keep you and your pup in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Is this the same Jen that brought Aquitaine to me in Danbury two years ago? Welcome! I wish it were under happier circumstances, but welcome.
  8. Keeping Beau and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. You and Romeo are both in my thoughts and prayers. Run free, sweet Romeo.
  10. Sending lots of prayers for Maggie. AMC is a wonderful place and she will get the best possible care.
  11. My heart is breaking for you. This is news that you never want to get. I cannot imagine that anyone would judge you for your decision. We each make our own choices from our heart and out of love for our pups. Make a lot of wonderful memories. Give Romeo everything you'd never give him to eat before. Treasure every minute. Romeo knows he is loved, he doesn't know that there is something wrong so he will just live in the moment with you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  12. I am so very sorry. I've been following H&M and was hoping for a different outcome for you both. You gave Fly a wonderful life. Run free lovely Fly.
  13. So happy to hear she is home and happier. Keeping Pearl in my prayers.
  14. I am so very sorry you lost your precious girl. Grief can't be "easily scored and appropriately assigned". You are right, we do go on because we have to but we also make the choice to love again. I know that you and Sunscreen will help each other, I also know that Angel will send you a sign, be it something you find in your home or a new love she sends you, that she is well and whole and wants you to be well and whole as well. Be gentle with yourself. Revel in the love and the time that you had with Angel. This sadness can't possibly take that away from you.
  15. Keeping your boy in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. Sending lots of prayers for you and for Fly.
  17. I am so sorry to read this. Godspeed Angel.
  18. That is a gorgeous video of a truly loved boy. I loved the swimming pool photo!!!!!
  19. Sending more prayers and good thoughts.
  20. I am so very sorry for your loss. Run free and swift Sami.
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