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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Keeping Fiona in my thoughts and prayers.
  2. What a cutie! I'm so happy that he is home and well. Cute PJ's!
  3. Robin, that is SUCH great news. Kiss that lovely boy on the nose for me. (please)
  4. How is Diamond doing today? Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers.
  6. I'm just in tears for you and Diamond, and all your pack. I had a similar incident with my Scarlett and an aggressive dobie. I will hold you all in my thoughts and prayers. Meanwhile, the **tch in me says, sue the pants of that owner!
  7. I am so very sorry. Gospeed, Frankie.
  8. No advice, just lots of good thoughts and prayers.
  9. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Chester. Hopefully this is something that can be caught and controlled with meds. Furosemide does make for lots more pee runs but that can be handled.
  10. That was a beautiful tribute to a boy who was very much loved. Godspeed lovely Clark.
  11. I am so sorry that you are dealing with all of this. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for your pups.
  12. This is a lot to go through all at once. You have shown yourself to be tremendously strong through all of this. Sending many good thoughts and prayers for you, your husband and Riley.
  13. That is a handsome pair you are about to welcome into your home. Congratulations, and welcome from NYC.
  14. That was a beautiful gift and tribute to a boy who was well and truly loved. I try to always remember how lucky we are to have these beautiful spirits in our lives, looking at Phoenix's family, it surely went both ways. There is a lot of love in those photos. Run free beautiful Phoenix.
  15. Hopefully she just slept wrong on her leg and had a little spasm. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for a non-eventful vet visit.
  16. I am so very sorry to hear this. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
  17. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts that it is just an infection!
  18. Hi Judy, Many taxi cab drivers will actually pick you up. I never once had a problem when I had Scarlett. Morgaine was terrifed of cars so it never came up. Aquitaine will actually try to get in taxi's if she sees people getting out and the driver's usually just chuckle. Oh, I hope if Darren is on the UWS that I get a chance to meet him. I don't know about any others but my girl is only ever off leash within the enclosure of the small dog run. Someone used to run Scarlett for me at night in the Rambles in CP but that stopped when she started being independent on when she would return. Without instant recall, she lost her offleash privileges. Too risky. Carron
  19. If you meet in Central Park, Aquitaine wants to come too!!! She REALLY likes William (he's super cute). We are on the UWS. Where are you on/near Grammercy Park? One of my closest friends lives on Grammercy Park South so I will be sure to look for your pups when I am down there. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
  20. My thoughts and prayers and hugs are being sent to you and Riley.
  21. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Cougar.
  22. My first girl, Scarlett, ate dirt for the 13.5 years she lived with me. She was also very fond of wood chips and oak saplings. She lived to be 19 so I don't think there were any ill effects.
  23. So good to hear that the surgery went well. Good thoughts and hugs to Vinnie.
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