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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Ouch! Feel better soon, Shelby.
  2. carronstar


    I just heard from my best friend that her former sister-in-law will be letting her grey Cisco go to the bridge later today. Cisco is a big, beautiful 14 year old boy from Louisville. I've only seen his pictures but I know he was very much loved by his family. Please hold a good thought for Carrie and her family as they let their boy go today. Run free, Cisco. I will ask Scarlett and Morgaine to meet you at the bridge.
  3. Cherish every single moment with him. I am so sorry you are going through this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. Sendings lots of prayers and good thoughts for Curfew and for you.
  5. Canyon, thanks for starting my week with happy tears!!!! So happy that all is well with you!
  6. I hope Mandy's neck feels better soon. Those are such adorable pictures!
  7. So, are you counting the minutes yet??? Are the camera batteries charged? Peanut butter at the ready? I hope your Sunday is the best ever!
  8. That was a gorgeous tribute. There will never be enough time with them. He will, however, always live in your heart.
  9. That is such great, great news!!!!!
  10. Mokka, you're such an adorable little girl. I hope you feel better really soon!
  11. Has anyone ever checked to see if any of the seizure dogs are from the same bloodlines? I know I lost my Morgaine to status right after her 6th birthday and when researching her bloodline I saw that HB's Commander died of an aneurysm right after his 8th birthday. The e-vet said that without doing an autopsy we couldn't be 100% sure that it was status or an aneurysm. My Aquitaine is in the HB's Commander bloodline as well so I do wonder. I can't imagine that out of all the offspring, my girl was the only one to seize. I seem to be reading more about seizures on here the past year or so. She surely inherited the beauty and wonderful disposition from Molotov and Craigie Whistler!
  12. I always bandaged tears like that so that the skin stayed together. My vet's opinion was that since I knew what I was doing, and would watch for infection and take her in if need be, that it was fine. Those were always the tears that never scarred whereas anything requiring stitches, always scarred. Sending lots of hugs for your pup.
  13. Sendings lots of good thoughts and prayers!
  14. Wow! Please let us know what the next steps will be. Keeping Lincoln in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. No advice here, just lots of good thoughts and prayers.
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