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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. So glad Silver is feeling more like himself again! Dogs are amazing sometimes - they can rebound so quickly after scaring us half to death! Hope this is the end of it for you and Silver. Sending hugs for a complete recovery.
  2. Had this conversation with a board certified Internist 4 weeks ago and his recommendation was to: 1. Titer is you can afford it and only vaccinate when indicated 2. Vaccinate for distemper and hepatitis no more than every 3 years if you can't afford to titer 3. Only vaccinate for Leptospirosis if there have been confirmed cases in your area 4. Follow the law in your area as far as rabies is concerned He also stated that he has 3 house cats that have never been vaccinated. As an interesting side note, while still in Vet school, he diagnosed his first case of Lepto in a pocket Yorkie who had NEVER touched the ground outside of a house, "so unless an infected mouse peed in the dog's water bowl", the source of the Lepto was a mystery. (His words, not mine.)
  3. How's she doing this afternoon? Prayers that it was an isolated incident!
  4. You could have new xrays sent to OSU for their evaluation if it would make you feel better. Anti-inflammatories sound like a good place to start. I'm not too crazy about giving pain meds alone without a dx. Sending gentle hugs and praying that it's just a little sprain or strain somewhere.
  5. Had this conversation with a board certified Internist 4 weeks ago and his recommendation was to: 1. Titer is you can afford it and only vaccinate when indicated 2. Vaccinate for distemper and hepatitis no more than every 3 years 3. Only vaccinate for Leptospirosis if there have been confirmed cases in your area 4. Follow the law in your area as far as rabies is concerned He also stated that he has 3 house cats that have never been vaccinated. As an interesting side note, while still in Vet school, he diagnosed his first case of Lepto in a pocket Yorkie who had NEVER touched the ground outside of a house, "so unless an infected mouse peed in the dog's water bowl", the source of the Lepto was a mystery. (His words, not mine.)
  6. Checking in on Angel and Tami. Sending prayers for both of you! Having just been down that road with Suze (acute kidney failure), I can sympathize. You have our love and support.
  7. Oh, my! I'm just catching up on that heartbreaker also known as Canyon! Sending prayers and unending healing white light! I'm sure he's feeling much better now that he's on some pain meds and I'm sure it's a lot easier on the nerves, too! Heal quickly, young man!
  8. Jo, I am so sorry! Willow was a very special girl and she obviously let you know it at every opportunity! You have greyt memories which I hope will bring smiles to your heart soon. The choking tears will end soon but you will most likely will find gentle, single tears appearing unexpectedly - most likely when remembering a cherished moment. It's ok, that's just Willow finding a more comfortable spot in your heart. I hope she sends you a sign - she's running free, whole and at full speed, waiting for your reunion.
  9. She chose you for a very good reason, Greg; you were to be her forever Daddy. My Nikki did the same thing to me - tucked her head under my arm and I was a goner! She loved you best and it showed. What a beautiful musical tribute to a very special girl. My heart is breaking for you. Run pain free, sweet Isis! Godspeed.
  10. Oh, this is just awful! I am so, very, very sorry! Godspeed, Bodhi!
  11. Sending prayers for Clark. Hope you can get more gift cards to Outback because he's going to LOVE the prime rib! Spoil him rotten and work with your vet to "stay ahead of the pain". Ask for a plan of what can be increased and by how much, because you know something will happen on a weekend, and you don't want to have to wait to find out what to do because it's going to be agonizing for Clark. Heard Dr. Couto speak at Sandy Paws a year ago and he stated that statistically, 2 out of 3 (racing bloodline) greyhounds will be diagnosed with cancer - not just osteo. Pretty scary.
  12. Hope this is just a bump in the road. It's so hard to watch them age and dread all the changes that come with it. At least she ate the can of food! Could be a lot of things - but I suspect the antibiotics are at the heart of the problem. Sending prayers for everybody!
  13. How's Misty doing this afternoon? Still whining for treats, I hope!
  14. It's gonna be nothing! Sending prayers!
  15. Oh, that pitiful face! It's such a GOOD thing that he has gained so much weight - which is a testament to the care he's receiving. I feel it's time for some serious chanting to align the sun, moon and stars in order to give this poor little fella a break - not to mention his exhausted Mom and Dad. "Beau's gonna be better - just wait and see! Beau's gonna be better, just wait and see! Beau's gonna be better, just wait and see! Beau's gonna be better, just wait and see! Beau's gonna be better, just wait and see!"
  16. It sounds like the TheraPaw is too big. He shouldn't be knucking/buckling under if the boot was the correct size. I used the purple PAWZ, too, before getting the TheraPaw, with a 3 to 6 month infant sock first, then the Pawz. Worked like a charm! Of course, they aren't meant to be worn to race around the yard, but for walks on a leash, they worked great for us.
  17. Sending prayers for Tessie's dental! She'll do fine, I'm sure. You, on the other hand, will be a nervous wreck! Do you know if they will be doing her first tomorrow morning? Were you given pre-op instructions? There was a short thread about dentals, feeding a snack at the last possible moment the night before and scheduling the dental early in the day since many have had "drunk" dogs to take home.
  18. Oh, I am so sorry! What a sweet guy!
  19. I just know that Sweetie is going to feel sssooo much better! Sending hugs and healing thoughts her way.
  20. This just HAS to work! Keeping all appendages crossed! At least she's eating! If she wasn't eating, then I would suspect that she has lost the zest, but SHE IS EATING! Prayers as always for the stunning Misty!
  21. No, no, no, no, no, no! This is just knot happening! It has to be something related to either the pred or the "pimple" that you found. Nothing else is acceptable! Sending mega prayers and hugs.
  22. I thought I saw a star brighter than the others tonight when we were walking. Never dreamed it was Isis. I am so sorry! You courage and compassion show just how much you loved her. Run pain free, baby girl, 'til you greet your Dad at The Bridge.
  23. Wow! She looks fabulous! That foot doesn't look bad at all considering how much trauma the leg went through! Believe me, it could have been twice that size! Trotting? Are you kidding me? Hey, kick in another payment on that Mercedes 'cause with an operation like that and her recovery so far, that surgeon is worth it! You go Cora, honey!
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