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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Ok, Beau. Here's th deal. All of GT is going to get the prayer cycle cranked up, but in the meantime, seeing as how it's Thanksgiving and all, just take a deep breath and eat. We're not asking for a total pig out session, just a couple of generous bites, slowly but surely. Mom will make you all the stomach calming food she knows is going to work, but you have to do your part, too. We know you can do it! All of GT loves you and wants you to stay healthy and happy! Sending hugs!
  2. My 9 year old has always had horrible gingivitis. My 5 year olds have "good teeth for greyhounds" as our Vet observed. Not sure teeth have anything to do with it. Sounds like you want a sure thing.......................wouldn't we all. I go with my heart and gut...........they have never failed me yet.
  3. [so, new signature soon????? need the right picture and I have to decide if I am keeping him or just fostering him! Robin, you are just too funny!
  4. I think The Little River Band said it the best..................."Listen to your heart!"
  5. I second that motion. All in favor? ...................it's unanimous! Keeping everything crossed that Diamond sails through chemo! Sending prayers and hugs.
  6. Oh, thank goodness! Let's hope the Vet has nothing but positive things to report about everything else!
  7. I would second the taped muzzle (or stool cup) idea, but would go with something a little less drastic in a disinfectant. IMHO: Band-Aid Brand has an antiseptic/analgesic wash (blue liquid) that offers the best of both worlds. (If it's safe for kids, I would use it on my girls.) My exhuberant Anna Banana is always cutting or scraping herself on something, and it works like a charm on her. Have used it on Fuzzy's (aka "The Bug Magnet) "itchies" and they disappear almost overnight! BUT, I truly believe that the muzzle is the key. I think you have to break the itch/lick cycle. Good luck!
  8. Just caught up from the EEG thread - I am in LOVE with that white face! Sending the fastest, most intense healing white light and the most powerful prayers of protection and comfort to Princess! Hugs to you, Diane. Anxiously awaiting word on the results.
  9. I have been using TheraPaws for about a year and am very happy with them. No big adjustment, but then we're talking about a very placid dog who seemed to be relieved that she could walk in comfort. Suze has a mystery limp (multiple x-rays and exams all negative for everything) and the latest guess about what's causing the limp is "soft pads". She wears the boots on both back feet. Yes, they have come off - especially when she has been overly enthusiastic doing the "happy dance", and it has always been after dark, but I have always found them. If I am careful to draw the neck of the boot as tightly as possible and then wind the hook and loop strap tightly, it's not nearly as much of a problem. I wouldn't recommend the boots for zoomies on grass because there's not enough traction.
  10. Aw, he just wanted TLC from Mom! So glad he's feeling better!
  11. Praying, chanting, sending healing white light and comforting hugs.
  12. I am a big fan of "BAND-AID" Hurt-Free Antiseptic Wash - human anesthetic first aid antiseptic. "Relieves Pain - Fights Germs". It comes in a squirt bottle or a foam pump from what I have been told. I like the squirt bottle for irrigating cuts or scrapes. The anesthetic properties seem to work, too. If I were a betting person, some TLC and extra treats from Mom tomorrow will have him feeling much better! That Merlin is such a doll!
  13. Lexi!!!!! Dr. Couto The GT community is the best!
  14. Such good news! Wonderful, fantastic, absolutely the best! Yay, Lexi! Mom's love and the power of GT can work wonders. Of course an open minded Vet and Dr. C working together can't miss.
  15. Mary, She's obviously feeling better which is a very important part of the picture! Keeping all appendages crossed that tomorrow brings better blood test results and UNC results. How is her urine specific gravity? And her BUN? Platelets? It's a big picture to remember to look at. Try not to zero in on one thing......easier said than done. I know. I did the same thing - lived from blood test to blood test. Still praying as hard as I can! Linda
  16. Have been holding my breath and praying since yesterday morning! Whew! Such greyt news! Come Cali! You can do it! So happy for you and Cali!
  17. I am so sorry. There are no right or wrong answers and regardless of which answer is best for you, it's going to hurt. Wish we could absorb some of it, or at least cushion the blow. As MP said, whatever you is right. Sending prayers and hugs of comfort. There are many other pain meds available. Please work with your Vet (and perhaps OSU?) to find something that will work for Radar. Many, many hounds have problems with Tramadol.
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