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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Whew! Just catching up! What a summer you all had! So very, very relieved that all is right with the world; Winslow is on the mend and all tests results are good! Let the partying begin!
  2. Poor Riley! Sounds like his world has been turned upside down and he's not liking it a little bit! Could it be his odd behavior is a combination of injury-meds-vet visits trauma? If he's as sensitive as you indicate, every action/reaction could be a exaggerated. Hope everything and everyone calms down so everyone can get back to normal! Sending prayers and calming white light. p.s. Jabari is just too cute and obviously loves his big brother!
  3. I'm still waiting for tickets to go on sale for CANYON'S WORLD TOUR!
  4. You know your dog better than anyone. Do what you think is best, which sounds like getting him to your regular vet as soon as possible. "they are drama queens"?????????????? Really??????????? That's strange. I had one that was DYING of kidney failure before she ever let out a whimper to let me know that something was wrong! Maybe it's just Chicago greyhounds. Prayers for Riley and hugs for you. Please update when you can.
  5. If her urine was very dilute, it would be best to explore that before starting on a med like PPA. Dilute urine is not a feature of spay incontinence. I agree! A complete blood workup is in order to check kidney function, BUN and Creatinine for starters. I wouldn't give any meds until I had ruled out ALL other possibilities. Learned this the hard way and almost lost Suze in the process. Hoping for the best possible outcome.
  6. Ok, take a breath. Hooray! I can finally breathe! Scabs, bumps and spider bites, oh my! Scabs, bumps and spider bites, oh my! Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is! Yeehaw! Give that boy some extra hugs, kisses, smooches, scritches and mooshies from me!
  7. As Dusty Springfield would sing, "Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'. Plannin' and dreamin' that River is fine! Can't help it - I sure wish he was mine!" Sorry - that's the best I could come up with on short notice. Still praying, chanting and demanding to hear the most beautiful words in the English language - no osteo! Have to agree with everyone else - it sure does look better!
  8. Oh, it's sssooo wonderful to have something to CHEER about! Yay Cougar!
  9. duncan41


    I am so, so sorry.
  10. Again, I cannot thank you all enough for the out pour of good wishes for my River. He is in really good spirits tonight... ate his small dinner (being careful after the diarrhea), went for a short walk, and isn't lame. I could not wish for more right now!!! ............then you won't mind if I wish for more, would you? I wish this will be resolved with a diagnosis of soft tissue trauma. Sending all of the most healing white light from the far reaches of the universe to River. Hugs to you. We're all here waiting with you.
  11. I am so sorry. Run free, beautiful Fiona.
  12. I am so sorry. God speed beautiful girl.
  13. I hope & pray & hope & pray it's NOT..........................
  14. How is his sugar/insulin being monitored? How much neurotonin is he being given per day? Just random questions - I have no experience, just a healthy dose of curiosity. You may want to consider having his x-rays sent to OSU for evaluation by Dr. Couto. Hugs to you and George. Will keep you both in our prayers - sounds like there's a lot going on. Please let us know how he's doing.
  15. Are you working with grey savvy Vets? Has Bliss been seen by a grey savvy Board Certified Internist? Have you contacted Dr. Couto or his staff at OSU? http://www.casualbling.com/OSU.html. Just suggestions. Hugs for you and Bliss.
  16. Hoping for more positive news. The suggestion of seeing an internist is a good one. If your adoption group has a recommendation of a grey-savvy internist, run, don't walk to the telephone and make an appointment. Sending powerful prayers for Josie and hugs of encouragement for you.
  17. I just re-read this entire thread and I am struck by the fact that it has come full circle! He's 10..........he's getting older and things change. I am very happy that your vet "doesn't think we should be worried at all". That's the best news!
  18. Print out this thread and take it with you with the "discussion points" highlighted. NOTE: Highlight "Mike"'s post - he's a Vet. Will be praying that a diagnosis is forthcoming.
  19. Heidie, PLEASE take RobinM's offer of help. If there is anyone on this board who can help, it's Robin! Sending prayers of healing for Josie and prayers for strength for you. Please hang in there!
  20. for hurting hounds and all those who love them. for broken hearts. May our prayers heal them. for all the hounds waiting for a forever home.
  21. I am so sorry that Halo's time with you wasn't longer but from your description of his transformation after joining your houndhold, it may be that he needed your special touch before going on. He needed affirmation of his being. He needed the company of other hounds in a loving home. He needed to feel secure in the safety of a firm but loving pack leader. He needed to remember the warmth of a loving touch in a safe, secure environment. He needed to trust. You gave him that and he blossomed before your eyes. Bless you forever and a day. I pray that your memories will help heal your heart.
  22. duncan41

    Emily The Kitty

    I am so sorry. It's heartbreaking.
  23. Used Nature's Miracle when Suze was sick in February with ARF - the spots were dark gold/almost brown. Poured about a quart on each spot, let it sit 20 minutes, then used white towels to blot the excess by stepping on the spot, moving the towel and repeating. I repeated the soak-and-blot one more time and then used my steam carpet cleaner over and over AND over the spots and they came out. I was amazed! Keep in mind that the spots (two the size of dinner plates) happened during the night and I wasn't able to get to them until the following afternoon!
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