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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. duncan41

    Sweet Hurry

    Their time with us will never be long enough. Bless you for taking in a senior! I am sure Hurry was mystified by his good fortune to have found himself in your home, and loved you for every minute of it. You performed the ultimate act of kindness by not letting him suffer a minute longer than necessary. Run like the wind, Hurry, and send your family a sign. I am so sorry he had to leave you so suddenly.
  2. Sending buckets of prayers for answers to Poppy's distress! I'm sure she wants to be home just as much as you want her home, too! Will be keeping her tucked in our prayers.
  3. duncan41


    What a beautiful girl! I am so sorry.
  4. duncan41


    Oh, this is awful! I am so sorry your time with Takoda was so short. I know that Mango was waiting for him and they are having a blast! You are in my prayers.
  5. From the look in her eyes in those wonderful photos, this is just the way she would have wanted it. "Look at me. Love me, because I love you more." Happy Gotcha Day, Sweetheart!
  6. FWIT: I would drop back 15 yards and start fresh with a good "catch". Erase everything that you think you know about what's been going on because you have been comparing apples and oranges. Now that you have your Vet's attention and he shows such willingness to learn from others (you are sssooo lucky he counts Dr. Couto as a friend!), this is an opportunity to do it right.............the second time. Besides, at this point, it doesn't matter what the test results were last year or the year before that - you wouldn't treat Max for an infection that he may or may not have had in 2006, so why muddy the waters with it now? Have patience. As you said, Max has been healthy up to this point. Let's hope that his injury and the meds have his system a little out of whack and with time and TLC, he'll be back to his old self. In the meantime, relax, breathe deeply and formulate a plan that makes sense to you. Please keep us updated. Sending prayers and hugs for both of you.
  7. Hope it's nothing. How is he doing this evening?
  8. I am so sorry. She will be greeted by so many who have crossed before her. She will never be alone, she will always be young and will be running like the wind. Listen. You will hear her in the still of the night. She couldn't have been loved more and she knew it. I pray that the memories you have of her will help heal your heart.
  9. Boatload of prayers, hugs and healing white light!
  10. I am so sorry. Run like the wind, Nazzir.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful boy! Godspeed, Rusty!
  12. Oh, that was lovely! Crying buckets, but I LOVED it! Thank you very much!
  13. Oh, I am so sorry. Godspeed, Tucker. Run like the wind - pain free!
  14. Steady as she goes, Joey. Just keep eating a little at a time, let your tummy rest and follow Mum's orders and you'll be back to normal in no time at all! Condinued prayers for Joey! Hope Tuesday's appointment brings an even greated healing!
  15. Will keep Jasmine tucked securely in our prayers.
  16. Oh, if that wasn't worthy of a "wish I had a do-over", I don't know what is! How terrifying! Fortunately it's repairable - the leg that is. I know that your psyche won't be as easily fixed, but you have come to the right place for support and comfort. Welcome and keep us updated on Jackson's progress. Would love some photos!
  17. Sounds like Jamey couldn't be in better hands. Will continue to bombard him with powerful, healing prayers and sending comforting hugs for you.
  18. Holy rollercoasters! I'm just now catching up with Joey and I must admit to a few tears! Thank goodness he's on the mend! Keep eating, Joey! We know your tummy has been giving you fits, but your Mom is taking care of that. Sending powerful healing prayers to Joey and comforting hugs to you.
  19. Oh, no. I am so sorry. Will keep you and Cosmo tucked tightly in our prayers.
  20. Hope he gets to feeling better once he's home. Hope YOU get some sleep, too! Powerful prayers going out to Joey and hugs of support to you.
  21. OMG! She is just precious! Congratulations! Great pictures!
  22. Welcome from FL! Used to live in Cinci a hundred years ago! Indy is gorgeous, but then I have three black girls, so I'm partial!
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