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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Have one that came totally butt, chest and neck bald and the butt has filled in about 50%, but nothing else. Have another one that came with the same "baldness" and hasn't grown a hair. Melatonin? Please, do tell!
  2. Oh, Dee! I am just now catching up! I am so sorry your Dad was all alone during this crisis! It's such a helpless feeling! I know there are many of us that would have jumped in our vehicles if we lived closer! Glad your Dad has help now. Isn't it ironic that a stray should show up on his doorstep this morning? Will pray for him and his kitty.
  3. Our 5-1/2 year old Suze who never raced, has had a mystery limp (right rear) for 3 years. She has been checked out numerous times and x-rayed 3 times and nothing.........no corns, no cuts, no bruising, nothing. She was totally rested for a year and it didn't help. She wears TheraPaws when on walks but still limps in the house. The latest guess about the source of her pain is "soft pads". Hope your dx is a little more specific, but just as benign.
  4. Please convey my heartfelt condolences for the loss of sweet Maddie.
  5. So young. So sad. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Run pain free, Tawny.
  6. duncan41

    Augie Dogie

    His smile and those eyes lovingly watching you say it all. He loved you best and you came through for him when he needed you most. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. Very well said. I think Dr. Couto said as much at Sandy Paws 2008 - when it comes to the thyroid, he treats based on symptoms, not test results.
  8. duncan41


    So many of us recognize your pain and share your feelings of loss. The greatest love leaves the largest void. My wish for you is that you welcome your memories of Bailey into your soul and allow them to warm you when the chill of sadness threatens. Godspeed Bailey.
  9. Wonderful! Will keep praying for another Christmas miracle! Keep up the good work, Wilbur!
  10. Piece of cake! Elsie, don't give your Mom a hard time over this, ok? Sending positive thoughts and prayers.
  11. Welcome Shana! You have landed in the perfect spot to be as prepared as possible for that wonderful day when you bring your first greyhound home! This site is heavenly!
  12. .......for Lola. How is she feeling today?
  13. Aw, we need good news like this! Yay, Diamond! Santa must have something really special in mind for you this year! Enjoy!
  14. I was so hoping that there was an alternative, but sadly................I am so, so sorry for your loss. Losing him so suddenly is probably like a bomb going off in the middle of your world. You're standing in a huge crater, all alone, shocked and wondering how you got there. You aren't alone. All of GT is here for you. The crater of grief is real, but little by little you will be able to walk out of it. Dappy left so suddenly that I'm sure he will be sending you a sign that he's ok. Run pain free, Dappy and send your Mom a sign.
  15. Too young. Too soon. I am so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Bea.
  16. I am so sorry. Hobbes was truly a special boy. His gift came through in his photos. That gift will help heal your heart. Godspeed Hobbes. You were loved like no other.
  17. Yay, Lucy! Have been following this and am relieved that she's up and at 'em and feeling better! Praying for an uneventful recovery!
  18. Sending prayers of comfort to you and your Girly Girl. This is just a heart wrenching situation!
  19. The improvements are wonderful! Sounds like she's on her way! Thank goodness!
  20. How is Tippy doing? Still getting meds in doughnut holes?
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