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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Sending prayers for Jack. Kyle, you know how these guys can hide how they are feeling and I'm sure Jack is a master of disguise. Don't beat yourself up over the decision you made with the information available at the time. Spend your energy on him now.............don't dwell on what happened last summer. Hugs to everyone, prayers for stability tonight and a brighter tomorrow.
  2. Happy Bridge Birthday, Freddie. Your Mom and Dad loved you best.
  3. duncan41


    He just wanted to make sure you had the best last photo of him. They are really something.........not too many leave without saying "goodbye" in their own way. I am so sorry for your loss. It's always too soon. :grouphug
  4. If it not one thing............................!!! Wow. Sure hope she's on the mend riteawayquik! Hugs to everybody - that had to be very scary! :grouphug
  5. Amazing story - sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Happy Birthday Lady Bug and Zeke-aroni!
  6. He was the epitome of quiet elegance. Happy Gotcha Day, Phene.
  7. Are all of the above mentioned preventives safe to use with cats residing in the same house?
  8. duncan41

    Nov. 21, 2000

    :grouphug Susan :grouphug Everytime I see one of your posts, I think of you and Alan and how you two were perfect together. Happy Gotcha Day, Alan.
  9. I am sure he is giving the bunnies and deer a run for their money at The Bridge. I am so sorry.
  10. duncan41


    What a shock for all involved. I am very sorry for your loss. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Run free, sweet Mindy.
  11. duncan41

    Red Tiger Jazz

    I am so sorry for your loss. He was very special. :grouphug
  12. It's so hard to lose the one who has been with you through life's twists and turns. Your tribute to her was beautiful - just like her enormous heart. Godspeed, Hailey. I hope your fond memories of Hailey help to heal your heart. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. Godspeed, Hope. Thank you to everyone involved with her rescue and rehabilitation. Special prayers going to her foster family for taking Hope and her pups. I am so sorry she had to leave too soon.
  14. What a handsome face! Sending my sincere condolences to everyone who loved handsome Dollar. Godspeed, handsome.
  15. duncan41

    Gustav's Gone

    Awww! Look at that handsome guy! And those earsies! I am so very sorry for your loss.
  16. It's just not fair. I am so very, very sorry. She was so close................................. :f_white
  17. This is her second bruising incident - the first one coincidentally happened after her last cystocentisis in Aug of 2009 as part of a 6 month follow up/check up after her ARF. The bruising extended from the puncture site half way up her belly. I was so alarmed that I took her back to the ER/Specialty Hospital (it was on a Saturday, of course) and their "take" on it was that yes, it was unusual, resulting in comment on the the client paperwork of "possible thrombocytopenia". Last week she barely bumped her "shin" while jumping into my van (I was standing right there and saw it happen) that resulted in a bruise that was 1" x 2" overall.
  18. Yes, she was treated with two rounds of Ciproflaxacin - mid-August and early October - that's one of the reasons that the cysto was postponed. I doubt that the coagulation panel was done, but I will inquire. How are the two tests related?
  19. Joe - Thank you for a thorough and informative narrative! I can see why you would LOVE going to see Dr. Cool-Toes! Even better, a clear hexray! Whoo-hoo!
  20. Awww! Poor Bumper! Hope he heals riteawayquik ( Hi, Piper!). Love the boat anchor analogy - and he does look quite helpless!
  21. One bald butt, one used-to-be-but-not-so-much-anymore and one never-has-been bald butts in this house! It doesn't bother them, so it doesn't bother me!
  22. What a wonderful tribute; I read it with a smile on my face and a tear in my eyes. Godspeed, Tila. The Bridge management must have needed some new supervisory blood to keep everyone in line. We know you're more than qualified. I am so sorry for your loss.
  23. I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug
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