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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Aaahhh, yes! The sound of silence! So glad she's feeling better!
  2. I fought this battle in April and found that daily vacuuming helped tremendously! I bought a Hoover Lynx cordless (best investment I have made in years!), and use it every morning (tile in all rooms except bedrooms), one area rug and the Victoria Peak beds. Switching to Advantage II helped, too! I used a flea comb on everybody every day for a couple of months and treated the yard with Adams yard spray. It took the predictable 42 days to see a marked reduction in fleas. Will continue this regimen until it proves unsuccessful.
  3. Hope she's back to normal! That had to be very scary and I admire your ability to keep cool and describe the incident in detail.
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AT THE BRIDGE, GOGH. :grouphug Hilda :grouphug
  5. There is no bubble wrap at the Bridge, but she won't need it. She's whole, beautiful, pain free and reunited with Andy, Emmy and Heart. Until you meet again. :grouphug
  6. What dose of EPA, EFA and Vitamin E are you giving Venus and how much does she weigh, if you don't mind me asking? Sure hope you get to the bottom of this soon!
  7. I feel your pain. Many years ago my 125 pound Newfie started screaming for no reason - they aren't know for speed or sudden movements, so it wasn't caused by doing zoomies or rough play. Long story short, it took about 3 days for her to stop screaming, with little improvements each day. She was still "stiff" for another 3 or 4 days. Keeping her "quiet" wasn't a problem and luckily we had no stairs to deal with, so between the muscle relaxers and probably Pred, she was back to normal in about 10 days and never had the problem again. I did go and get a raised feeder immediaately and my three current hounds have always eaten out of raised feeders - 16" high. Suze had a neck sprain, same symptoms, treatment and recovery and she now has an 18" high feeder. I know it is agonizing to watch and hear their discomfort, but as long as you are seeing small improvements each day, I wouldn't be in a hurry to change meds. I sure hope she feels better soon! :grouphug
  8. This isn't even close to being scientific, but I put 5 cups of water in each of the three raised feeder/water stands yesterday morning at 6:00 am and this morning there was a total of 6 cups left, so 9 cups of water was consumed by 3 dogs (68, 66 and 72 pounds) in 24 hours. There was an additional 2/3 cup added to each of their two meals. By coincidence, (or rmaybe not since she doesn't feel good), Suze has been drinking exclusively out of her own bowl lately. If I use very flawed logic, since there was exactly 1 cup of water remaining in her bowl this morningl, she consumed 5-1/3 cups of water yesterday. I know I'm trying to make myself feel better, but if Suze really does have DI, wouldn't it be likely that ALL 15 cups of available water would have been gone in 24 hours?
  9. When she gets her BP checked, face her away from any doorways where she can see people passing. When Sam's at the vet, he watches the crack under the door and if he sees feet passing the door, it's as if his prey-drive kicks in and his heart and respiration skyrocket. (And this is a sedate 11-year-old who's never raced or lure coursed or otherwise chased prey.) I have to turn Sam's head and nestle him against my chest so he can't watch the door so the vet can get a semi-normal set of vitals. They always know where the door is, don't they? Suze was actually already laying down before the tech came in to do the test. I'm telling you, this girl is really, really stoic. The way this clinic was set up, there are two walls and a hallway separating the exam rooms from the lobby and the exam rooms are on the opposite side of the building from ICU. This building was constructed as an animal specialty hospital - the attention to detail is amazing! You can't see or hear anything in the exam rooms! Can anyone out there tell me about their experience with diabetes insipidus? Initial symptoms, diagnosis, living day-to-day? DI and Cushings were placed on the list of possibilities. To start, we were asked to monitor her water intake. Having read descriptions of dogs draining water bowls repeatedly throughout the day, how much is "a lot" of water for a Greyhound?
  10. I'm just throwing this out here for consideration. Not sure about nationally, but some Florida Vets have voluntarily extended the time between shots to 3 years. I can't say for sure if it's for everything, but I do know that it is for the most common . Does Miss Nellie really need all her shots every year?
  11. I am so sorry! 00-Dude was one of my favorite characters in C&F. I think I'm beginning to hate the month of October - too many dogs gone.....just gone! Lover ya - big guy! Will miss your daily contributions to the WFUBBC.
  12. Same here. ETA: When were her last shots?
  13. Not the update I prayed for, but know in my heart that if anyone can get her back to you, it's Dr. B. Praying for everyone; Gee, Dr. B, Judy, Mike and Kevin!
  14. Hope she's feeling better! I just love those cow doggies!
  15. Aw, poor guy. Hope he's back to feeling better sooner than later! May want to call and leave a message at the Vet about the black poo.
  16. Another wonderful update! Praying for an even better update tomorrow! Prayers for Gee! Good girl!
  17. Wow! That has got to be scary. I have no experience nor advice, but I will be praying for your boy and for a dx.
  18. The update is good! Praying that tomorrow's update is even better! Sending healing thoughts to Gee.
  19. There are those special dogs who come into your life and into your heart for which there are no words to describe them adequately when they leave. It hurts like the devil when you have to let them go, but it's such an honor to have been a part of their world. I am so sorry Pranja couldn't stay with you forever. He's on the move again, for sure. Hope he sends another to you with some of his quirks to make you smile with the memories.
  20. Hi, Lou! For my money, I would have a "Senior Panel" done along with a Urinalysis. Abnormal results could be more of an indicator of a number of problems (TBD being one), rather than focusing on just one. But, if worrying about TBDs is keeping you up at night, go ahead and do the test. Hope to do Petco with you again! Linda
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