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Everything posted by Dawnnziggy

  1. I have had seizures most of my life. After a seizure, there is quite a bit of confusion. It can last for a while too. This could also explain the bruising. If she was going down the stairs, she would have fallen the rest of the way. She could have fallen onto something as well. I know that I have dropped glasses of water before and also fallen. However, I would think you would have witnessed a seizure. It sounds possible to me though. Good Luck!
  2. Welcome from another Ohioan!
  3. I buy the Tacrolimus for Ziggy. It is about $53.00 and it lasts more than a month!
  4. I have lost 2 cats to kidney failure. With the first one, I did sub-q fluids and kept her with us for another 6 months. The other cat went so fast is was unbelievable. I think it just has to do with each individual animal. We did put both of them down to put them out of their misery. I know what you are going through and I hope that you have Maggie with you for a long time! Good Luck and I'll keep you in my prayers!
  5. Congratulations! If you ever have any events that you allow other people with greys to come to, let me know. We are only 2 hours away from Columbus! Our chapter isn't very active.
  6. That is exactly what Ziggy does. It starts as a small scratch and he just licks it to death until it is HUGE! The only thing we do is put salve on it. Once when it got really bad, I took him to the doctor and he said that we shouldn't put anything on it but not to let him lick it. YEAH, RIGHT! Anyway, he doesn't do it often either. If you get any good ideas, I'll be glad to try them too!
  7. When Ziggy had an upset tummy, the vet had me make him white rice, and put in some plain yogurt with cultures. It really helps! I make it whenever one of the houndies has tummy trouble. Good Luck!
  8. Ziggy has panus too. I have to put medicine in his eye daily. . . . . for the rest of his life I'm told. He's worth it. I have to use a very expensive medicine but it is the only one that worked for him. We tried all of the cheap meds to no avail. Good luck with it. I have been doing this for almost a year. If you need to talk, just pm me.
  9. Well, I have had seizures most of my life. After a seizure, you feel so confused and your body doesn't work like it should. Maybe, he had a grand mal seizure that was of short duration. This would account for not being able to walk right away. I hope I didn't creep anyone out.
  10. Sending prayers for your beautiful girl!
  11. I'll keep you both in my prayers. I also pray that I never have to go through what you are. That was not said with malice but in fear!
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