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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. About two weeks ago, Wendy had a run-in with the backyard fence and needed stitches in her hind, right axilla. She got antibiotics and Metacam. On Sunday, she came up lame from a cut on her pad from doing zoomies in the yard. She was quite uncomfortable, so I gave her a buffered aspirin, 325 mgs. On Monday morning, I woke up to massive amounts of brown vomit. OK, I thought, the aspirin upset her tummy. When I came home from work, I found that she had vomited more, probably a total of 10-15 times! She was wonky, wobbly and panting heavily. She would not lay on her beds, but sought out the tiles (seeking to cool the fever). Off to the E-vet. Long story short...Wendy has had a gastrointestinal bleed probably the result of the Metacam closely followed by a dose of aspirin. Today she is stable, no more fever or vomiting but still has some blood in the stool. It looks like she will be fine, but I wanted to share our experience so hopefully no one else has to go through this in the future. If you see brown vomit that looks like coffee grounds RUN to the vet...there's internal bleeding. Although the vet told me that giving Wendy the aspirin was the right thing to do, it is now clear that she is very sensitive to Nsaids. They will note that on her chart.

    I will NEVER self medicate again. No matter how small the discomfort I will ALWAYS FROM NOW ON CONSULT THE VET. Lesson learned.


    Please pray for my girl.

  2. Thank you all for your great advice. We'll be going to the vet today as there is a slice of dangling pad that probably needs to come off. She's limping quite badly although seems her old self. I'm having trouble keeping her from doing the butt-tuck zoomies that got her inot trouble in the first place. :blink: My little weirdo...I lubs her.

  3. One day, I'll screw up my courage and get her some! :lol


    Hi Summer, my deer haf sissy. Tell yur Momma that she just must be brave and get yu some chickie feetz. I lub them! They look like teensy hands. ;) Go on Summer's Momma...for a Crispmix treet, get my sissy chickie feetz.. Oh, I mayd a poem. :colgate


    Tata for now - Your sister,


    Wendy frum My Ami.

  4. Wendy loves sardines! I found ones that are packed in spring water and have no salt added. 4 tins for $5.00. Not a bad deal. She loves Jack Mackeral, too, although I don't feed it as often as the sardines because of the salt content.

  5. Wendy does this, too. I call it the "butt dance". She will offer me her hind end (by bumping me) for scritches and then will sort of march in place with her hind legs and wag her hips from side to side. I think it might be sexually pleasurable. Think about it. When the male mounts the female this would be an area that would receive friction. Regardless, it makes her happy and makes me smile. :P


    That would not explain why males enjoy the butt dance, though. :unsure

  6. There's nothing to forgive. You did the best you knew how. You loved Eliza well. Love never dies and you two will be together once day. Gentle hugs.

  7. I have been adding Proden PlaqueOff to Wendy's breakfast for 3 years now. Although her teeth were pretty good when I adopted her, she did have some plaque. After a month or two on the PlaqueOff the plaque did just that...flaked off! This is not a substitute for brushing. This product loosens the plaque so that it comes off easily with brushing or when the dog chews a good, raw bone for example. The first time, I just scratched the stuff off Wendy's canine with my fingernail! Good stuff. I buy it here:




    This product is not recommended for animals with thyroid issues.

  8. Wendy's coat was not in bad shape to begin with. She had two, silver-dollar sized bald spots on her neck and one on one butt-cheek. I began giving her 5 mgs. Melatonin with dinner and told myself that if I didn't see any noticeable improvement within 3 months, I'd call it quits. Let me tell you gang, this stuff is amazing! Wendy's previously nice coat is now superb. Full and fluffy and mega-watt shiny. If only Melatonin worked as well for my thinning hair! Oh, and no sleepiness nor (additional :lol ) dopeyness.


    I would raise the dose to 10 mg a day.
    I agree with this.
  9. Yup - I have a similar situation. Wendy will not eat if I am in the kitchen with her. When she first came home, I had a Tupperware avalanche fall on both of us when I opened a cabinet. I will put her food down and leave the room. She will follow me to make certain that I am sitting down elsewhere and then proceed to eat. The Momma is dangerous in the kitchen! :lol

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