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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Check out these tag collars at http://www.carpecane...index.php/cat_6. They are attractive, comfie for the hound, and break away if the pup gets caught up in it.


    I love this design. I have always wanted to get a "tag bag" so I can stuff the three-4 tags I have for them in a pouch and be jingle free. Do you have the braided or the ones with the stones?


    I have both, but prefer the simpler, braided one with a stone on the tag-bag. And yes, you can stuff 3-4 tags in there! Wendy's license, microchip, and I.D. tags are in there with room to spare.

  2. My Wendy gets raw meaty bones, predominantly turkey necks, several times a week and I brush her teeth once a week. I also supplement with a product called Proden PlaqueOff which is a natural product made from seaweed. It makes the plaque literally flake off the teeth; I can flick it off with my fingernail. PlaqueOff is not recommended for dogs with thyroid issues.

  3. I wish Melatonin worked as well on (human) female hair loss and it has on my houndie-girl. Her bald patches (neck, thighs) are completely filled in. Her tummy is almost covered and her coat is remarkably full, shiny and silky. I give her 5 mgs. every night with dinner.

  4. Thank you all so much for your kindness, and for sharing both Wabi and the pain of her loss with us. It's really been a sweet/painful comfort to us.


    While I'm being strenuously encouraged NOT to make any big decisions for a little while, I'm actually considering getting a dandelion tattoo, over my heart. What do you all think? ;) I've never felt the need to permanently mark myself with anything, but ... I'm starting to "get" it, from the inside.


    Wait awhile...think about it...then go for it!


    Peace to you and yours.

  5. With my vet's approval, Wendy gets 5 mg. of Solgar brand Melatonin with her dinner every night. No more baldspots and her fur is full, lush, super shiney and bunny soft. The only drawback is that if you stop gving it, all the regrowth falls out and you're back to square one. Melatonin is a life-time commitment, much like Rogaine for humans.

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