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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Melatonin is a miracle supplement. I give my girl Wendy (55 lbs.) 5mg of melatonin each night mixed in with her dinner. All her bald spots have filled in and her coat has become ultra-soft, full and shiny. The bad news, all the new hair fell out when I stopped the melatonin. She's back on it forever now. Salmon oil is fabulous for skin and coat as well.

  2. But, I figure they can deal so long as there is no violence. Family visits are

    frequent for us and the dogs are part of the family.



    Yes, I've arrived at this decision as well. Linda (MIL's dog) was with us all day Saturday. Wendy had a boo-boo face all day Saturday and most of Sunday. By late afternoon on Sunday, she was back to her bouncy, happy self. I guess she'll have to learn to deal, 'cause little Linda is here to stay and MIL visits frequently and Linda always comes with.

  3. "Some dogs are particularly sensitive to changes in their routine, and having another dog around may be stressful, especially since she's used to being an only dog. Stress can cause withdrawn behavior and decreased appetite. If she gets along ok with Linda, its probably not that Wendy dislikes or is jealous of her. Hopefully with time, she'll become more accustomed to Linda's visits and it won't affect her as much". This is what I'm hoping.


    'Linda's behavior reminds me of one of my friend's greyhounds - a sensitive little girl named Addie. My friend sometimes watches my dogs when I'm out of town, and when my guys are at their house, Addie enjoys playing with them, but after a couple days, she gets a little stressed by the extra dogs and activity. She becomes withdrawn and will spend a lot of time hiding in the walk-in closet which is her safe place. It usually takes her a couple days to recover after things get back to normal'. This sounds exactly like what's going on with Wendy. I wonder (and fear, a bit) that if/when we decide to "chip" she may not be very happy about the new addition. Having said that, Linda (MIL's dog) is not a Greyhound and perhaps Wendy would feel more at ease with another grey.


  4. Is she still getting the attention she is used to when the other dog visits? Maybe make a big fuss over her when the other dog visits and extra treats. Make it a good experience for her. Other than that I don't know what else you should do.


    Yes, as soon as we noticed the withdrawn behavior we have made it a point to give the girls equal attention and not to fuss too much over Linda. We give them both treats and play with both together.

  5. We gave my MIL an adorable little terrier-mix for Mother's Day. Of course, little Linda is now part of the family and comes along with MIL when she visits. Linda (terrier-mix) and Wendy (my grey) get along well, not the best of friends yet, but they respect each other. Wendy, however, seems to become sad and and withdrawn for a couple of days after Linda visits even skipping a meal. Am I anthropomorphizing? Have any of you experienced this type of houndie poopie-face behavior after adding a new pack member?



  6. I use Sentinel on my grey as well, but during the summer months I also use a topical. I prefer Revolution or Frontline Plus. They are safe to use at the same time as Sentinel. Boo for fleas!! :angry:


    Are Revolution and Frontline Plus sold over the counter?

  7. Although, if you are planning to contact your vet anyway, a Capstar will kill the fleas on the dog within 20 minutes and then you can apply Frontline after that as a preventive.

    I wonder where she picked them up ?



    I think that Capstar is suggested with the Sentinel protocol for killing adult fleas. I'm calling the vet right now. I'm guessing she picked them up in my MIL's yard which is a haven for the neighborhood feral cats.

  8. Thanks Batmom. We have an appointment on Saturday for vaccinations and fecal but I can't stand the thought of those things crawling on my girl and in my home. I need to do something now! Ewww. Can flea shampoos (like Adams) be safely used on Greys?

  9. Yesterday, while grooming Wendy, I found two fleas on her butt. None of my dogs has ever had fleas! She's on Sentinel, which destroys flea eggs, but not adult fleas. What is safe to use on Greyhounds to get rid of these nasty critters? Uggghhh! :puke

  10. Did she change the dogs food? Sounds like food allergy to me.



    This is a new dog. She's had her about 2 weeks and she's been itchy the whole time. We're feeding her Wellness Healthy Weight because her foster Mom was very generous with the cookies so Linda (the new pup) is rather pudgy. This Wellness kibble does contain rye, but no wheat.

  11. My MIL's dog has begun biting at her toes and scratching all over. I don't see any fleas or flea bites and her skin looks fine. I'm thinking allergies. She's going to the vet on Saturday. Any ideas, helpful hints, anecdotes in the meanwhile? Thanks!

  12. I've been giving Wendy Plaque-Off for three years, now. She had pretty good teeth when she came to me, but had some plaque on her molars and canines. After using the Plaque-Off for awhile, I noticed that the plaque simply flaked off her teeth when I brushed them (once a week) and I could literally chip the stuff off with my thumbnail. Wendy's teeth are sparkling white and healthy with the combination of Plaque-Off daily, once a week brushing and frequent chews like raw turkey necks and lamb shanks.

  13. Riding crops work well, too, for all the listed reasons. Plus they're really, really light.


    Thanks for this. I've thought about investing in a riding crop, but wasn't sure it would be appropriate.


    All that matters is how its used. Smacking him with it and tapping his chest are two different things.



    No, no...I would never, ever hit a dog. :o I just place the walking stick in front of / touching her chest to remind her to stay next to me.

  14. Shorten the lead. Use a walking stick to gently discourage him from getting ahead of or in front of you by placing it against his chest when he does. Stop walking when he gets in front of you and do not resume until he is calming standing at your side.


    So weird! Maybe now we know why he retired? :lol I'm sure many, many others will make great training suggestions. Whenever Summer did weird stuff, I just checked her with the leash/martingale and that's all I had to do, she walks and runs great on the leash. I also don't give much leash -- in fact, my fingers can touch the leash clip at all times. This is for "working" walks. When I release her to do her own thing, I put her on my other side (I'm not consistent with that, I sometimes forget, I need to work on that more), the "free side", and tell her she's free and then she can wander about more.


    This is how I hande Wendy (Summer's sister!). Do you always keep her on your left side for "working walks", thus making the right side the free to sniff and mark side? Does it really matter which side we have them "heel" on? :unsure

  15. Wendy is not a "corn-dog" but does seem to have "soft" pads...Always getting sliced and diced. I am trying this stuff called Tuf-Foot which is used on dogs, horses and humans to toughen pads, frogs and feet. Guitarists use it to toughen their fingertips. So far, after about 6 weeks, it seems to be working. I found the best price here http://gundog.stores.yahoo.net/7-95.html.


    I wonder if Tuf-Foot would work to prevent future corns once they have been hulled and healed?



    From the Manufacturer:


    Dog paw and pad care. Protect your dog's feet. Whether your dog needs to assist in the hunt, pull a sled, search through rubble, or just hang out in the yard, TUF-FOOT can keep his sensitive paws and pads in excellent condition. TUF-FOOT is guaranteed to toughen and protect soft, sore and tender paws and pads on your dog. TUF-FOOT has been shown to aid in the healing of sore paws and pads, cut pads, and bruises often having remarkable results within a few days. TUF-FOOT also prevents cracking and bleeding of of your dog's pads

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