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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Yeah, what's up with the massive shedding ? Greyhounds don't shed. :huh I brushed Wendy today and was astonished at how much fur was flying! She gets brushed on a regular basis, but holy cow, this was outta control. I had on black yoga pants..big mistake. They were COVERED in dog hair. Maybe it's the 90 degree temps we've been having lately? :unsure

  2. What, if anything, besides a dollop of yogurt, helps with the toxic fumes that these guys produce? I notice that Wendy prefers her food minus the yogurt, but DH & I prefer Wendy WITH the yogurt...if you get my drift? :blink: Any other natural remedies ya'll can recommend?

  3. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...mp;hl=first+aid



    Hope this helps :)Tremendously helpful, thank you.



    You mention that Spud is...ummmm...accident prone? :rolleyes: When he gets a gash where the skin is torn, do you take him to the vet or mend it yourself? The reason I ask is that Wendy tore a gash in her thigh (on our two week Gotchaversary!) and I panicked and raced to the E-Vet. $800 later she was neatly stitched up, was is fine, but it was done under general anesthesia, which is very scary to me. I wonder if those greyhound gashes can be safely dealt with at home.

  4. Also, I don't see why baby food without onion powder has to be avoided. They also say no dairy products and certainly a lot of people here seem to feed their greys yogurt with positive effects.



    I agree. I feed yogurt and, occasionally cheese. I use baby food (w/out added onion or garlic and frozen) as a Kong stuffer. :unsure

  5. ^^ Zoom Grooms are a favourite here aswell :D I love them- You can use them on dry coat or on a wet coat to work the shampoo up well and clean down to the skin. The zoom groom is also really comfortable to hold.




    I considered getting one of these but thought it might hurt tender greyhound skin. So you all would recommend the Zoom Grooms, yes?

  6. For a while now Gustopher P Jones has seemed to have an issue with his eyes. Not their usually bright shiny selves, not looking normal. Started with our vet to rule out the usual suspects. The back of my mind is thinking every bad thing plus more as to what it could be. Off to the doggy eye doctor this morning after a quick phone call from my vet to them. The opthamologist says that it is Pannus. Meds prescribed to come from Phoenix. I'm relieved that it is NOT one of the many things that were brewing in my brain. At least we can control it. Any advice from those of you that have dealt with this is appreciated. I can now breath again.




    :dogcookie:dogcookie To Gus from Wendy with lots of slurpy kisses.


    :bighug To Leslie from Irene. Don't forget to breeeeaathe!


  7. My vet recommends it without hesitation for greys, and Evie hasn't had any problems in the 2 years she's been on it. Since we don't need year-round flea/tick coverage here, I use Revolution April-Oct. and Interceptor Nov.-March, which also helps with cost savings.



    Is this medication given orally or topically?

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