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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Wonderful news!!! But I was so scared when I saw the other thread had been locked....I didn't notice this one at first. Don't do that to me!!! :P


    Happy day!

    :yay :yay :yay


    I'm sorry you guys. I don't know why I did that except that I am so sleep deprived that thinking clearly is a ginormous effort. :wacko:


    Wendy is doing well. She ate a liltle last night and a bit again this morning. She is alert but very subdued. I can't wait until she's back to her silly, wiggle-butt self again. She's taking ampicillin, famotidine and carafate all twice a day and gives me major stink-eye every time I approach her to give her a pill. dry.gif


    Words cannot express how much your prayers, well wishes and support have meant to me. In the past, I have avoided reading the Health threads and the Remembrance threads because they distressed me so. Now I see how very selfish I have been. It's not about me, but about supporting the GT'ers who are going through the horror of losing a treasured member of the family or have a pup who is sick and needs our prayers for a speedy recovery. I promise, from now on, to be there for all of you as you have been for me.


    With all our love anf gratitude,


    Irene and Wendy frum My Ami. :wub:

  2. Hello all - Your prayers and healing thoughts seem to be working. Wendy is still stable, and has not vomited since 2 a.m. Saturday morning. There is no more blood in her stool. She was offered food today but refused. That doesn't concern me too much after what she's been through. Tomorrow is D-day. The vet will decide if he'll do an exploratory surgery to see if there's an ulcer (or worse). I'm hoping that since she seems to be done vomiting and there's no blood in the stool, no surgery will be necessary. Please everyone keep praying. Keep the healing energy flowing for my girl and all the sick GT puppies.


    With all my heart - THANK YOU!

  3. Carafate is a wonderful medication-- I would have thought they were already giving that to her--I took it for my own ulcer-- worked for me and fingers crossed it will work for your girl. You made me laugh-- you miss her farts!!! I can totally understand!


    Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! They were giving her some other stomach coating medication...can't for the life of me remember the name. Thanks for the encourgement!



  4. Don't beat yourself up-- has the vet considered that this might not even related to the aspirin?? How's her bloodwork???


    Thankfully, her bloodwork is fine. This morning she is stable and alert and had vomited last at 2 a.m. Her protocol has been changed to Cerenia (an anti-emetic) and Carafate (used to treat ulcers). This sounds like a good plan to me. I briefly discussed endoscopy vs exploratory surgery. The vet's thinking is that if she continues to have bloody vomit on this new protocol, there's most likely a pretty big ulcer that needs surgical repair. Let's hope that the Cerenia and Carafate do the trick so that the surgery becomes unnecessary.


    God, I miss Wendy. I keep thinking she's here, right next to me, like she always is. I miss her grumbling, sighing and frantically nesting at night. I miss her farts and her burping green tripe in my face. I miss her little, pointy head up my butt. I want her muddy paw prints all over the house. This BITES HARD! :angryfire My heart goes out to all you GT'ers that are going through crap like this - and worse - with your puppies. There oughta be a law....:(


    Thank you all for your prayers...keep 'em comin'.

  5. I just came back from visiting my girl. She looks awful. So thin...even thinner than her racing weight. She's weak and wobbly. The vet said that he may do an exploratory surgery on Monday. I didn't get a chance to ask him, but can't dogs be endoscoped? All this because I gave her one, stupid asprin. I may have killed my heart-hound. Pray please...don't stop praying.

  6. Wendy has been hospitalized since the beginning of the week. She had a gastric bleed, which is now under control, and she's better but she continues to vomit. The vet says that if she does not respond to meds, he will have to do an exploratory on Monday to look around inside. Oh, God. :( I am TERRIFIED. Please form a prayer circle around my girl. I need the power of GT.


    Thank you all so much. :cry1

  7. Thank you all so much for your well-wishes. To answer Batmom - she had finished taking the Metacam about a week ago, but the vet thinks that it was still in her system in sufficient amount that, when combined with the aspirin, pushed her over the edge




    Also, there's a general trend for folks to do a lot of OTC dosing of hounds for (what I would consider) minor, acute issues...I definitely did in my early days. I've with myself and with the dogs that minor discomfort is OK and often has an important purpose in the body. It also helps to know when symptoms are getting worse, which can be masked if treating at home and may limit what a vet can do or see if you end up needing to take them in


    Total agreement with above. In retrospect, the mild discomfort she was feeling from her cut pad was a good reminder for her not to race around like a maniac and dig trenches in the yard. It would have helped the thing heal more quickly. Pain does have a purpose.

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