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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. :grouphug :grouphug {{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}
  2. Thanks, Amber and Dee! I gave them a Pepcid and now I'm heading back to work. I've yet to find out if their poop is okay but no vomit is a good start I'll take what I can!!
  3. No vomit!!!! :yay Please let this mean that the worst is over... I guess I'll give them a Pepcid now and then a little food? Not sure how breakfast of ground beef and rice compares to regular kibble in terms of quantities. I wonder if they're hungry. Or should I just wait until tonight to give them more food
  4. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha! I knew after I wrote it that the sentence didn't quite come across as I intended it to! :lol
  5. No apology necessary, and anyway hijacks are needed sometimes - looks like bugs are going around!! I am always suspicious of the bottom of kibble bags, also I don't ALWAYS clear the dregs out before adding another bag... I usually ask DH to do it, as the container is heavy and I'm short with weak arms but sometimes he forgets. Shannon - poor Nellie!! Glad she's better. Geez, that sounds horrible. I would call my vet to ask whether they recommend some ID but I don't want them to tell me to bring them in. Sometimes I feel vets do that and quite frankly if it's not absolutely necessary I don't want to take them in, we are completely broke right now. I'd like to at least give it a few days to see if they get better with a bland diet, etc. If something is seriously wrong I won't hesitate to rake them in EVER, but with two dogs and a teeny budget I have learned to give it a few days. However, if I find vomit on the carpet again at lunchtime, I might reconsider...
  6. Speaking of which, not sure if I should call Petco about those cookies. They were near the counter and I remember thinking they were really, really hard when I brought them home. I could hardly even break them in two. I wonder how long they've been sitting there!! In any event, thanks for the advice, I will give them each another Pepcid when I am home in a couple of hours. Thank goodness it's the weekend and I will be home with them for the next two days. Lisa (DevilDog) I thought of you last night when I cleaning up Sagan's vomit shortly after cleaning up Merlin's, I know your two have been very sick at the same time recently. Dee, I hope your pups' poop improves soon
  7. If I give Gas X - how much should I give? I'll give them each another Pepcid when I go home at lunchtime.
  8. Thanks, Deb. Thank you everyone. Spent a sleepless night watching over Merlin and his gurgly tummy. He started getting up and stretching a lot at 1:45am, clearly his stomach was hurting. And he was panting. He's been panting a lot recently -- even though it's cooled down considerably here. I took him out and he just peed, but walking around seemed to help a bit. Sagan wanted to come down too, but he seemed okay. The three of us stayed downstairs the rest of the night, where it's cooler. I got no sleep. Every time Merlin budged, which was very often, I was up to make sure he didn't need to go out, vomit, or whatever. His tummy kept gurgling. Eventually it seemed to calm down. He seemed to know that mum was taking care of him.... and snuggled up to me. I got his blankies for him. Sagan's another story. He puked a large amount of bile last night at 10pm. Not sure whether it was because he was sick or hungry. Gave him a Pepcid and he slept okay. I gave them some ground beef and rice at 5.30am, they both wolfed it down. I usually walk them in the morning, and THEN feed them, but I thought I'd do it the other way around this morning so that I would be with them for 2 hours before leaving for work. I didn't give them their usual cookies before leaving. I guess I'll keep at it. Should I keep giving them Pepcids? Or should I just wait and see what happens? Thanks for all your good thoughts.
  9. Thank you. Pat, I don't use dairy as you know, and the dogs don't tolerate it either, neither of them... Great, Merlin just went out and ate grass (which DH let him do ) so now he's going to vomit grass and bile tonight - and guess who will be getting up? Grrr. I think I'll give Merlin a pepcid because his tummy is really gurgly and if he's eating grass it may be that his stomach is really upset. He keeps asking to go out and he's panting.
  10. I never thought of that!!! Thank you. It's very possible. Sagan gets his schnoz into everything... Okay, so I just got back from the store, I bought ground up cow (which I'm gonna cook tonight because otherwise I will be the one puking tomorrow morning ) and I already cooked some rice earlier, so I'll put both in the fridge and feed it to them for breakfast. I also bought some Kaopectate and some Pepcid AC. Can anyone tell me what quantities to give, if I give them either of these two? Thanks!!
  11. Bumping The reason I'm thinking it's the cookie is that they didn't throw up any of their meals, there was mostly just bile and brown stuff but no real solids other than a couple of bits.
  12. Garlic, whole wheat bran, Whole wheat flour, celery, parsley. They don't eat that usually. I can't feed a bland diet tonight - I'm assuming you mean beef or chicken with rice - as I don't have keep any meat in the house. Could I feed just rice tonight? Or do you really feel like they should take a break tonight. For what it's worth, I'm inclined to agree with those who suggested fasting them tonight rather than tomorrow, but DH keeps insisting to feed them tonight and not tomorrow morning. I think it's because he wants to see what happens and who is doing the vomiting. Also, if I don't feed them tonight I could head out to the store for tomorrow's breakfast. Crap, I don't know what to do and it's getting late. They usually eat at 7pm and Sagan is giving me The Look. Wait, no, he gave me The Look at 7pm. Now he is giving me The Desperate Look Also, Merlin is panting for no reason. Sigh.
  13. Merlin's poo has not been good recently. He's always had excellent poo on the food he is on. I have been giving him a probiotic and this morning his poo seemed better. This afternoon is was loose, but not pudding poo. I mentioned that because I'm not sure if it's related to the following: Last night I bought the dogs a natural cookie each from Petco. Merlin vomited after I gave him a piece. I didn't give him anymore, but Sagan seemed fine, so he got another piece this morning. I came back from work at lunchtime to find more vomit on the carpet Then I came back from work again this afternoon - more vomit. After cleaning up DH asked me if I'd checked the muzzles. Well, lo and behold it was Sagan's muzzle that looked like it had vomit on it Now we're thinking it was that cookie that made them both sick. Still not sure who vomited this morning - it was upstairs, and there was vomit on the carpet and our bedsheets, which would indicate that it was Merlin -- who sometimes likes to go upstairs and sleep there, on our bed or his -- but Sagan has been known to go up there when something's bothering him. Right now, Sagan seems okay. Merlin's tummy is gurgly, although it could be just because he is hungry. Usually when it gurgles there is nothing wrong with him, he is just hungry and it stops after he's eaten. I don't know what to do. I don't have any Pepcid at home. I am thinking of feeding them both JUST kibble and some rice tonight (while I can keep an eye on both) and then fasting them tomorrow morning.(as I will be at work tomorrow and unable to keep an eye on them). What do you all think? Thanks for any advice you can offer.
  14. Gosh, Bev, I'm only just seeing this. Crap! Poor Darcy Sounds like she is in very good hands though. You and Darcy and your whole family and pack are in my thoughts, and my fingers are ever so tightly crossed that Darcy will be okay. She has such a fighting spirit and you know how very special she is to us all here Hang in there.
  15. How terribly sad. I'm very, very sorry Rest in peace, John.
  16. My vet showed me how to scale the hounds' teeth and she suggested I do it to reduce the frequency of dentals and get rid of all the tartar deposits on their teeth. She showed me how to do it the last time I was there and recommended a certain scaler - she said some are much better than others. She did it on Sagan and I was amazed that he let her do it without pulling away! I hate doing this kind of thing (it feels like chalk against a board - uuuugh!) but if it means I don't have to put my dogs "under" as frequently, then I'm all for it.
  17. I'm so sorry to read your update, Irene It sounds so intensely frustrating, I think I would definitely be a bundle of nerves and frustration too. I am keeping you and Paul in my thoughts. :grouphug :goodluck
  18. Don't worry - he'll live You didn't break your dog! It's not bleeding, so that's good news. This happened to Merlin a couple of years ago. I made sure to keep it VERY clean (to prevent infection), and when we went out for walks I would clean it, wrap it with gauze, and put a booty on it. This is what I used - Pawz disposable booties - the purple ones are the right size for greys. Now I am obsessed with keeping his nails very short by trimming often. It's not fail-safe, but it can definitely help Good luck!
  19. I have no experience with LP, but I wanted to send you some hugs :grouphug
  20. Oh no I am so, so sorry to hear this. Life is just so unfair sometimes I can't even begin to imagine how awful this must be for you... especially as your grief is still raw in light of your recent loss of Sherman. Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs :grouphug
  21. I'm so very sorry :cry1 Rest in peace, Red
  22. You are in my thoughts. :grouphug Hoping that you have many, many days left together. :goodluck
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