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Everything posted by BootsyCollins

  1. Maybe, but maybe not. Bootsy goes out 3 times per day. A walk in the morning, a walk in the evening when we get home, and then a pee break before bed. Sometimes I take him out before I leave for work, but sometimes I don't. He does fine.
  2. Some of the best (people) hospitals in the world are teaching hospitals. I wouldn't worry about that part. Good luck with your baby - keep us updated!
  3. Hey look! Jon Stewart heard about Kali coming home: Congrats, PJ. I'm so so happy for you all. She seems like a perfect match for Zuni, and you're all welcome to come to our house for zoomies anytime!! (after we shore up the fence)
  4. If you vet did not do an x-ray to determine that the leg is only sprained, and he's in that much pain, I'd want an x-ray done ASAP. If he did do an x-ray, I'd call and get a different pain med if you believe it's warranted. Good luck
  5. I second what Mary just said. Don't leave them alone, let them sniff if they want to, take it all in stride. Babies are easy, toddlers just need to be watched and taught, and bigger kids are easy again. Make your dogs comfortable with an ex-pen if they aren't already, just in case you need it when baby starts crawling. Chances are, they won't even care. Bootsy never did. Congratulations, Auntie
  6. For what it's worth, when Argos was diagnosed with osteo in his front leg, we opted against amputation as well. I consulted with Ohio State during this, and I got a very kind email from one of the members of Dr. Couto's team saying he agreed with my decision. My point is, you don't have to explain to anyone on here or anywhere else why you chose not to amputate. I hope you're able to keep your boy pain free for a bit more time.
  7. We feed TOTW bison and Bootsy does quite well on it. Good luck with your move and finding a good food!
  8. Thinking of you today and hopeful for a smooth surgery.
  9. I'm so, so sorry. You helped her fight a good fight.
  10. The kibble we feed Bootsy is grain free, but he eats everything he can get his paws or nose on, so he gets his share of grains. Some of the treats we buy him contain grains as well. He's perfectly healthy.
  11. Oh, they've all forgotten about you - at this point, it's all about who knows the most.
  12. Don't be so sure. Bootsy has had hooks 3 times and his poo was normal. If you don't have her on a worm preventive like heartgard, have a fecal done. Good practice to do periodically anyway. she is BEAUTIFUL by the way
  13. I've always used Frontline Plus on my dogs and cats. Rarely see a tick.
  14. Try a cuz ball for the Boston - I think those are fairly indescructible, and while very annoying, are also highly amusing to the dog
  15. Correction - we use Iverheart, not Heartgard. I don't know the difference.
  16. I'm so very sorry. She was beautiful.
  17. Ah, hookworms. We are well acquainted with those nasty things here. The first time Bootsy got them, we treated him 3 times with panacur before they finally went away. Then put him on Heartgard, which prevents them as well as heartworms. I think it's Heartgard. Then, I accidentally asked the front desk ladies at the vet for a refill of Revolution, which they did (without checking our chart), and that prevents heartworm, but no other worm. So he got them again. He was treated with Drontal - one dose, then another dose 2 weeks later. Seems to have worked, but I need to take in a sample to be sure. He's back on Heartgard. I would speak with your vet about a preventative in addition to a strong treatment now. Good luck.
  18. My cat had a reaction exactly like that to his 3 year rabies vaccine (not the booster). It lasted about a week or so and he licked all the hair off it. then it went away.
  19. That's fantastic that she's doing better today. Continued prayers for continued healing.
  20. I am no expert (just ask Bootsy ), but to me, this is significant. He hasn't had any incidents in a year, and the two recent incidents can be easily explained and prevented with a little dog and human training. Trade up is a fun training to do. Your daughter can learn it with you. You can even use a muzzle for the smaller bits. Sleep aggression is pretty easily dealt with. If he still has a crate, try crating him at night to prevent any accidents. Good luck! Interested to follow along as you make your decisions and move forward (whatever your ultimate decision may be)
  21. Peanut butter is the food of the gods. Good thing I don't buy Skippy! No kidding!
  22. Dogs and cats are very different, of course, but my cat had surgery to open the urethra to allow any smaller stones to pass on their own, and he was put on a special food to keep his urine ph at a certain level to prevent the formation of more stones. This was in 1999, and he lived for another 11 years. He died last year at the ripe old age of 18, with no reoccurences. I hope your boy has the same experience!!
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